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Anna didn't come back to my loft after the donut incident, so Drift and I ate all the donuts Melissa had bought us.
In the morning, Drift was hyper from the donuts so I took him for a run to the dog park. When we got outside, he was pretty calm. But then we got onto the street, he started sniffing the air and then the sidewalk. He must have caught a smell he liked because as soon as he caught the sent, he ran. I held the leash as Drift ran through the people on the sidewalk all the way to the dog park, then he stoped, so I let his leash go. Then of corse, he caught the sent again, and took off. I chased after him. He ran up to a woman with her dog. He immediately started jumping up and licking her, but she still pat him even though he was hyper.
"Drift! Get off!" I said as I ran up to them. I bent down and grabbed his leash and stood back up.
"I'm so sorry...." I looked up at who Drift was jumping up on. "....Melissa."
She smiled. "Hi." Then she looked back down at Drift. "Oh, this is your dog?"
"I saw him yesterday at the store. He's a very good dog."
"Thank you." I said laughing a little. "Do you have a dog here?" I asked.
"Yeah. Farley, she's the one chasing after the green ball over there." I looked over and saw her dog who was bringing the ball back.
When she came back, Drift and Farley both froze. I held on to Drift's leash tighter because he's never been good with other dogs. He looked up at Melissa and smelt her leg, then walked around Farley smelling her all over. Then they both bent down, wagging their tails and ran off into the field.
I smiled. Drift seemed to like Melissa, I seemed to like Melissa. I guess Drift is smarter than I thought.
"That's weird. Normally Farley doesn't play with other dogs." She said.
"Drift either." I said.
We both laughed.
"So did you just move here?" She asked.
"How did you know that?" I asked confused.
"Well, I've lived here for five years and I've never seen you or Drift at the dog park before."
I smiled, again. I couldn't stop smiling. "Yeah, we just moved into that building there." I pointed at the building at the end of the left side of the park.
"Really? I live in that building." She said pointing at the building at the end of the right side of the park.
We both laughed again.
"So, what do you do for a living?" I asked.
"I'm a vet. You?"
"I'm a writer."
"That's cool. What kind of stuff do you wright?"
"I don't know. I've always wanted to wright a romance, but I haven't had the inspiration to write anything lately. Until I went to go get donuts yesterday." I smiled. I'm pretty sure I was blushing. She was too, so it's all good.
    Drift and Farley came running back with the green ball. Melissa picked it up and threw it and they both chased after it.
    "Melissa Marie Benoist!" I heard coming from a woman's voice behind us.
    Melissa and I both tuned around to see a woman walking towards us.
    "Chyler?" Melissa asked.
    "Melissa, you said you were taking Farley for a quick walk, not talking her to the park and spending hours talking to...." She stoped and pointed at me. "Oh." She looked at Melissa, then back at me. "Oh I see. Well in that case, I can go wait back at your loft for you patiently and eat all of your donuts. Please, take your time." She winked at me and mouthed the words "He's hot" to Melissa as she walked away.
    We were both blushing even more than we were before.
    "Marie?" I asked smiling.
    She let out a small laugh. There was something about her laugh that was....I don't even know how to put it. Every time I hear it, I get all warm inside. She has the type of laugh that would make you happy by just hearing it. And that's what it did. Whenever I'm around her and she laughs, I'm happy.
    "I know, it's bad." She said covering her face with her hands.
    "No it's not, it's cute." I said laughing.
    "No. It's really not."
    "It's better than "Charles"."
    She gasped. "Is that your middle name?" She said giggling.
    "Yeah, now that's a bad middle name."
    "Yes it is. I'm joking! I'm totally joking."
    We both laughed for a while.
    "No, I think it suits you. Charles." She said smiling.
    Her smile was beautiful. I could stay at this park all day with her.
    Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She look it out and read her text.
    "Oh my gosh! I'm late. It's Monday! I gotta go!" She said panicking. She grabbed Farley's leash and put it on her. "I have to go, but, I'll see you again right?"
    "Of course."
    "Okay. Bye, Chris." She walked away then turned around and yelled, "Charles!"
    "Stop! It's embarrassing!" I yelled back."
    "No it's not! It's cute!" She turned back around and ran of into the streets.
    "Bye, Melissa." I muttered.

Authors Note:  Sorry if there's any grammar mistakes, I was rushing on this one. That's also why it's a little shorter than the last one. But, I hope you enjoyed. I'll write the next chapter of the Melwood story soon!

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