Since The Day I Met You

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    I didn't see the gun, or the person who yelled "gun", and I definitely didn't see what was coming, after the gun was fired.

    "Gun!" Someone yelled and immediately, people scattered. We all looked around but no one saw anything.
"Guys, we should go, just in case." Jeremy suggested.
"Yeah," Chris agreed. "We should all head to....." He was interrupted by a gunshot. I jumped and immediately turned around to face Chris.
    I froze. I was looking at the man I love, yeah I said it. I love him. With everything I am, I love him. I was looking into his eyes and all I saw were pain and fear. I didn't want to look down, but I did. My eyes slowly wandered down to his chest where his white t-shirt was slowly turning red. He frowned and looked down at his chest. He looked up and our eyes met before he fell to the ground.
"NO!" I yelled as I ran to him. I pulled him close so his head was resting on my lap.
It wasn't like the movies where someone gave a romantic speech before moving on and a few tears were shed. No, no this was real. Everything was fast. So fast. I could hardly breath.
I looked down at him. His eyes were closed and he wasn't breathing. His lips were slightly parted they way they are when he's sleeping. But this time, he wasn't sleeping. I wanted him to be sleeping more than anything so I could just kiss him and he'd wake up and everything would be normal. But like I said, this wasn't like the movies.
    "Hey! No, no, no,no." I held his face in my hands and moved hair hair away. "Chris, No." I said with tears poring down my face. He didn't respond. I didn't know if I was sad or angry.
"Someone do something!" I said more harshly than I meant.
Chyler immediately called 911. I turned back to Chris.
"No, please. Come back." I kissed his forehead. "I love you. I always have." I pulled him closer and cried harder. "Now I'm never gonna get a chance to tell you."
"They're five minutes out." Chyler said.
Just as they said, the doctor all piled out of the ambulance and came towards me and Chris.
"Ma'am, I need you to let go." On of the doctors said.
I shook my head and pulled him closer, so his head was in the crook of my neck.
"I need you to let go." The doctor repeated as two others took him from me and moved him into the ambulance.
"I need to be with him." I said. "He's not leaving here without me."
"Okay, come quickly" The doctor waved to signal me to come in the ambulance.

Once we got to the hospital, they immediately moved him into a room and I wasn't allowed in.
Chyler, Katie and Jeremy, all met us there.
I tried to follow Chris, but Chyler held me back when the doctors said I couldn't go in and I didn't listen. Chyler wrapped her arms around me and I cried into her shoulder. One by one, everyone including Chris's family came to meet us at the hospital and all sat down and waited.
Around two hours later, the doctor came out and said he's awake. I could see Chris's mom move like she was going to get up and go see him, but I needed to see him. I stood up right away and ran to his room ignoring what the doctor was trying to tell me.
When I got to his room, he was awake sitting up, wrapped in bandages that were slightly red from the amount of blood the gun caused.
"Oh, Chris..." I whispered.
He looked up at me and smiled. "Hey Mel."
There were tears in my eyes and I didn't bother to try not to let them fall. I ran to Chris and held his face in my hands and I met my lips to his. His skin was hot from his fever that I could tell he had. But his lips were normal temperature. Perfect. I pulled away to see I had left my tears on his face, but I didn't bother to acknowledge them.
"I'm so sorry Chris. I'm so sorry."
"Hey, hey, Melissa." He said as he held my face in his hands wiping the tears from my face with his thumb. "You have nothing to be sorry for. Okay? I'm fine."
"But you weren't." I said between sobs. "You weren't breathing. I thought I lost you. I thought..."
He stoped me by kissing me then pulling me into a hug. He whispered softly in my ear, "I love you too Melissa."
I smiled and I pulled away and into his eyes. "You heard me?"
"Yeah, I heard everything."
"I'm sorry, I should have said it before, I was just...scared."
"Why on Earth would you be scared to tell me you love me?"
"'Cause, what if you didn't feel the same and I pushed too much and you weren't ready and....."
    "I've loved you since the day I met you."

Authors Note: Hey, sorry I haven't been writing in a while and I left it at a horrible cliffhanger😁. I know this one was short but I'm writing another story (Peter and MJ) and I really enjoy writing it! Don't forget to vote and/or comment if you liked it and if you're happy Chris isn't dead!😁


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