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Terror reigned supreme in the walls of Akademi High, paranoia on a all-time high and it left a grim atmosphere that meant most students banded together to avoid the threat that loomed over the school. Many times in the week, the police had been out on reports of mysterious blood stains or severed limbs or an entire body that had been mutilated beyond the point of identification. Everyone was scared that they'd be the next target of the potential serial killer that roamed within the ones. And what made it worse, the police thought it was one of the students.

This proved problematic for the school, as they had to continue running even with the dangerous person. Declarations to report all suspicious behavior and to leave school grounds if anything potentially lethal occurred, to hopefully prevent any more murders and injuries. Club leaders decided to work towards keeping their clubs running and operated, students from the gardening club decided to continue watering the flowers around the school and they stuck close to the phone addicts that wandered the floors. More students littered the floors, to prevent any one student from being alone. The roof wasn't sealed off, even though plans were being made to do so.

Even though she was terrified, Osana Najimi decided to remain trying to impress her beloved childhood friend and crush. Recently, she was getting a little paranoid that someone was watching her at all times. But, her fears never came to fruition. Later on in the week, she was approached by a dark haired girl that she shared a classroom with. Strangely enough, the young girl seemed nervous and stutter-y. "U-um....d-do you want to s-see something cool?" it was then that Osana recognized the girl properly, Ayano Aishi or a girl that she had befriended after Ayano got her phone charm back for her.

"Sure, I guess. But no more than 10 minutes!" she said with her usual tough voice, hiding the traces of worry that filled her at the thought of leaving the courtyard's crowd of people. The seemingly scared girl in front of her looked innocent enough, her stutters and worries definitely didn't seem to come from a place of darkness. Thus lightened Osana's fears a bit, so she followed Ayano without much complaint.

As they walked, Ayano said nothing and remained fiddling with her hands nervously as she led Osana to the roof and more importantly, behind a secluded air vent. Taking a deep and satisfied breathe, Ayano smirked and pulled out a knife from her skirt's pocket. Whipping around, she slammed the knife into Osana's side to paralyze the poor girl. Gasping in horror as she lost all feelings in her legs, causing her to fall to the ground and be at the mercy of this brutal assault on her life.

Straddling the girl below her, Ayano's eyes filled with anything but mercy as she laughed maniacally as she preceded to stab violently at the body below her. Every scream made by the dying girl was music to her ears, finally she had secluded her rival and was brutally ending the girl's pitiful life. "You'll never have Senpai," she whispered, making sure it was the last thing that her victim heard before her life was snuffed out. The life faded from Osana's eyes, as her once violent movements drained and her body went limp. She was dead.

Even though her uniform was now splattered with blood, Ayano was completely happy with her handiwork. One less rival in her quest of making Senpai hers. Standing up, wiping some sweat from her forehead as she hid the knife back in her pocket. Now, she needed to consider a way to dispose of the body without being seen. She could throw the body to the grounds below, but Shiromi Torayoshi roamed the exterior of the school. Plus, the delinquents hung around the incinerator so it'd be impossible to sneak the body past them.

Looking to her right, she saw someone there as pale as a sheet and shaking like a leaf. It was clear to Ayano, somebody had witnessed her committing murder. And it was non other than her childhood 'friend' and kouhai, Midori Gurin. Growing up, Midori was always a pain in Ayano's neck due to her bubbly personality and constant and ridiculous questions. Many times she wished to just murder the bubbly idiot, but she felt like there was never a good opportunity.

Maybe if she was quick.....

Moving forward at a lightning speed, Ayano ripped her knife from her pocket and prepared to stab fruitfully at the annoying girl. Ending a life was so easy, and there was nowhere for Midori to run. A murderous fury evident in her eyes, silently informing of her nature to kill. It was at that moment that Midori's senses woke back up, just enough for her to realize that she needed to desperately run. And that meant now!

Rushing away, tears burning in her eyes. Could she get away in time, would anyone find hers and Osana's bodies? What would Ayano do to her?! These questions, rapid and painful, filled her mind in her desperate attempt to escape her pursuer and get to a crowd of people. Why was she such a moron, why did she have to come to the roof every single day. All she wanted was a great WiFi connection.....not to be murdered. Who would want to be murdered!

Her feet burned beneath her and frightened tears blurred her vision, but she could faintly make out the door in front of her. If she could make it....she'd be safe right, she could get down a few floors and hide in the courtyard. Ayano wouldn't kill her in front of multiple people, right? She had to believe that fact, as she reached the door, her feet ached below her from the pain of running so quick. She wasn't athletic and it left her open to attack.

Grasping at the door's handle in a shaky terror, she pulled and pulled as the horrific realization clicked in her mind. The door...opens outward. There was no escape, even screaming for help wouldn't help. Backing against the door, she could see her once-beloved childhood and best friend ready to chop her up. A terrified shriek left her lips, as Ayano drew ever so closer. Tears roamed down her cheeks, fear rising up and up in her chest. She was going to die!

"P-please...!" a desperate plea, nothing that Ayano hadn't heard before. It wouldn't stop her from finishing her objective, killing the witness and disposing of the evidence in any way possible that wouldn't get her caught again. "....I-I'll won't tell a-anyone!" came the shuddered, second plea for her life. Midori just wanted to live, and she was drawing ever so closer to the distinct lose of that precious life.

At this point, Ayano's eyes were dead and hollow. No emotions resonated within them, she was just empty. Holding the knife mere inches away from slicing Midori's neck, she gave a cold response of. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart right now!" it was more of a growl towards the end, believing that there was nothing Midori could say or do that would save her life. What good was the green haired girl anyway, always asking dumb questions and being a overall nuisance. Nobody would miss her.

"....I...will do a-anything you say!....Please....!"

Yes, I know Midori's a phone addict and that her reaction is on par with a social butterfly. But A, she didn't have her phone in her hand at the time as she was simply getting to the roof when she heard the cries and B, she was already in the same paranoid state as the other students and shock overwhelmed her. Who would react by taking photos when you discover that your childhood friend is the one committing the murders in school?

Oh and btw 'kouhai'. I seriously see Midori as more the younger one. Of her, Ayano and Kuu. She's the youngest and Kuu's the oldest. It makes sense to me, even if Midori is now a 2nd year. Fuck me.....I'm not changing my opinion. And this story will also include the Rainbow Characters, even though they have been I started writing before the build was released.

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