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Over the week, Ayano requested multiple things from Midori. Basically, treating the poor green haired girl like a slave. Luckily, she didn't really commit another murder that was as brutal as the Osana one. All she did was poison a girl, asking Midori to steal the lethal poison that was kept within the cabinets of the science labs that was meant for experiments only. Even though she felt horrible, Midori was becoming more and more compliance.

It was, as if, spending more time around Ayano had dampened her reaction to death and murder and she remained apathetic. The perfect little slave for a serial killer, she even praised Ayano after the poisoning. And it didn't come from a wish to stay alive, she did it on her own behalf without even thinking about it. Why was she acting this way......she honestly couldn't give an clear answer anymore.

It wasn't long before the weekend came and went, Ayano had apparently heard that someone else was targeting her Senpai in terms of love and attraction. This was obviously not allowed and she made quick contact with Midori. "Your job is to join the cooking club, befriend Amai Odayaka and lure her to the rooftop. I will prepare everything up here."

Sure, refusal could have worked. But like a broken mind-slave, she obeyed without complaint and headed downstairs to meet up with the leader of the cooking club. Why do I help her so much...she's so evil and mean. cute......and nice to me. If she wanted me dead, she would have done so by now? Right....

She felt beyond pathetic, feeling this way. Should have run a long time ago, she had spiraled into a state where she was so compliance she was willing to help commit murder. Standing outside of the cooking club, she hesitated as a worried thought crept into her mind. What if Amai didn't want to be friends. Would Ayano hurt...or even kill her for being unable to complete the task!? All she could do was hope that wasn't the case.

Clicking the door open, she felt like a fool for standing in the doorway like a idiot. ", I..." she felt stupid, unable to formulate a sentence. Luckily Amai just smiled at her, sweet and purely innocent. "I would l-like to join this club," she had recalled how she had to quit the gaming club to do this and the words made her think back to Gema's and Mai's faces when she came out with it. She felt awful, but she had to obey Ayano for some reason that she simply couldn't work out.

"Ohh, Midori-chan," Amai said with surprise evident in her voice and posture, looking Midori over a bit. Though, she kept a pleasant and kind smile as she spoke. All the while, she was flipping a pancake that was evidently planned for the club's lunch. "Never thought you'd leave the gaming club? And what makes you want to join the cooking club?"

"W-well..." she had to come up with an excuse and thankfully, Ayano had provided her with one earlier. "....M-my parents are never h-home, so I n-need to be a-able to cook. I t-thought the b-best way to learn would be through the c-cooking club...." she hated her new personality of being so nervous and shy, her natural inferiority to Ayano had dampened any sense of energy that she normally processed. Even acting natural knocked her energy down.

"Oh, I see," there was Amai's sweet voice, cutting through her thoughts like a sharp knife. "Of course you can join, and I'll teach you everything I know."

If only you could.... honestly, a week ago she would have sobbed and spilled her thoughts for all the world to see. Now, she just felt numb and unable to speak clearly. But she forced a smile and got to work on helping Ayano's murderous plans. Remembering the time limit that Ayano had given her, she sighed to herself internally. She had until the end of the day to lure Amai to the rooftop.

Finding her voice again, she whispered as Amai showed her how to make pancakes. "D-do you go to the r-rooftop often?" she felt pitifully, asking a question that would raise suspicious. She was so thankful Ayano was busy preparing for the murder.

"The roof? Not regularly, but the gardening club have some fruits and vegetables that they grew up there so I like to pick them to use. I have permission as well," came the voice from the concentrating girl, as the pancake finished cooking through and she gently slid it onto a pink and yellow sunset plate.

"W-well....I was t-thinking. I saw s-some strawberries growing up there earlier on," this was something she thought up all by herself, Ayano would be proud of her. Right? Honestly, she didn't know for sure if the serial killer would be proud, but she could hope right? "M-maybe we could go p-pick them together to add to the pancakes."

"The strawberries? Uekiya told me that were about to ripen and that I'd be allowed to use them. I see, well we have some time so we could go now," the sweet, innocent voice made Midori nearly regret everything. Ayano was going to kill Amai and there was nothing that she could do about it, or risk her own life.

As they head to the roof, they passed through the third floor. From there, Midori could make out the faint glimpse of the gaming and anime club room and only felt despair that she left it. But what Ayano gets, Ayano wants? R-right? As they reached the roof, Midori made a desperate glance around for where her 'mistress' was and eventually saw the black hair and gray eyes. Ayano had seen her.

Distracting the cooking club leader with the strawberry bush that was far away from the Basu sisters and Horuda, Midori limply waited on the bloodshed that was about to occur. And that bloodshed wasn't going to wait, as Ayano moved forward and stealthily gripped Amai around the neck and dragged the struggling individual behind the same air-vent that she had used to hide Osana's murder. Nobody would around and Midori had the task of keeping look out. To make sure the girls on the other side didn't hear.

Every brutal stab, every cry for help filled Midori's ears. Yet, she felt nothing. After everything, maybe being Ayano's slave was just making her numb to murder. Yet, one brutal stab later and she flinched. Maybe not. Glancing into the 'hiding place', she could see Amai's mangled and limp body. Her head was a blend of flesh, bone and blood that made Midori feel sick. And the body was littered with cuts, blood and again flesh. No matter the thoughts, Amai was truly dead.

"Midori!" came the sharp, stern call of Ayano. Which the green haired girl obeyed, almost willingly. She still shook at the sight of the disturbing and disgusting corpse beneath her. "While I go dump this into the incinerator, would you clean up this mess? Once your done, bring the cleaning objects down to me."

"Of course...," dumping the mop into the bucket, Midori began the work of wiping up all the blood from the rooftop as Ayano threw the body over the railing. Seconds later, Midori was all alone with only the inanimate cleaning objects and the remaining blood that was soon swept clean. Picking the bucket up, she carried it and the mop down to the incinerator. The delinquents gave her side-glances and horrid comments, but she ignored it. She was just a shell of her former self, Ayano had reduced her to this and yet she made no complaints.

Already there, Ayano stood by the blood splatter that had formed when Amai landed on the floor. By the sounds that surrounded them, the incinerator had already been activated and Amai was burning away into charcoal remains. "So, Midori. How does it feel to know that you helped me murder someone," came the chuckled remark from her once best friend, it still terrified Midori and led her to shake.

"Horrible...." she couldn't lie, but it did lead to Ayano sharply turning around after the blood was completely cleaned away. Backing into the wall beneath her, she watched Ayano's actions closely and worriedly. Ayano always had a spare knife on her, that she hoped to not get covered in blood unless it was necessary.

"I see," was the eventually reply, before a laugh left Ayano's lips. "That makes sense, but you did good work today. Thanks for your help," was Ayano praising her? It made her feel light and fuzzy inside, it was what she had wanted earlier. "Maybe next time, I'll get you to land the finishing blow."

"...." Midori went silent, absolutely silent. Her breathing shallowed and she stood wobbly, full of nerves. Ayano wanted her to murder now?.....N-not just assist? Knowing full well that she had to obey, she eventually whispered a short and stuttered reply. Why was her mind telling her to obey as much as it was, why hadn't she just let Ayano kill her.... "A-a-a-alright..."

Well, a week had passed and Ayano is starting to trust Midori.....interesting. Wonder where this will go....

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