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"....I...will do a-anything you say!....Please....!" a pain and terror in Midori's voice, as she made that distinct promise that she fully intended to keep to save her life. Even though the thought of helping a serial killer was deadly and petrifying, she would do anything in her current and vulnerable state to save herself. It seemed as stupid as her questions, but she knew it might be her only chance.

Surprised to say the least, Ayano's loosened the threat of her knife on Midori's throat. But her thoughts clicked back into place as she forced the knife back against the green haired girl's fragile body, preparing to dig deeper at any moment. "As if there's anything you could do to help me!" she spat, fully intending to end Midori's life right then and there. Going for a neck would be so easy, quick and near painless. However, she also wanted to see which techniques would make her victim scream the loudest.......

Then a thought snapped into her head, she was on the rooftop of a school full of potential witnesses to her crime and soon enough her uniform would be splattered with not just Osana's blood - but also Midori's. She hated her think of it, but the little moron that was promising to do anything might have just saved her life. Sighing, she was so going to regret this later as she spoke through gritted teeth in aggravation. "Fine, I'll let you live IF you promise to help me win my Senpai and tell nobody of this encounter."

Maybe it was stupid, but the thought of the word that Ayano had said confused Midori as she whispered in terrified shock. "...Y-your....S-senpai?" she knew what the word meant - being that it meant 'upperclassman' - but....Ayano had been so possessive....that it seemed odd and almost worrying

Leaning in closer, Ayano's voice dripped with sarcastic and silky tones. "Oh~..." her voice made Midori want to vomit, escape and do anything other than be there. "I didn't tell my dear and sweet childhood friend about my crush~" then a snicker left Ayano's voice as she pinned Midori further into the door. "Maybe it's because, would have blurted it out to the whole school. Senpai would hate me and all my planning and murder would be for nothing!" all of the silkiness in her voice vanished in the last word, violence filling her voice and terrifying Midori into a breathless silence. "But.....if you so desperate to know, his name is Taro Yamada and he'll be mine. No other women are allowed near him!"

If it wasn't for her mouth being sealed shut in shock, Midori probably would have replied with something. Anything. But she was too scared to even make a comment, in fear that her life would be dramatically cut off as her promise was deemed unworthy. Her eyes wondered back to the blood stains behind the air vent, the bloody arm that rolled into view made her physically ill.

"Now, your first job is to help me clean this place up," there was evident doubt in Ayano's voice, she didn't see the promise as anything special and certainly didn't believe Midori would keep it at all. And already was making plans to end the green haired ditz's life when she outlived any usefulness if she had any to begin with. "Get me a mop and a bucket of water, now!"

Even in her shell-shocked state, Midori shakily got to her feet and hurried along to obtain the requested items. She would not fail, her life was on the line. On the way, she felt the minor cut on her neck from Ayano's knife. It stung on touch, but it wouldn't kill her. It was no more than a paper cut after all. Shaking as she picked up the bucket, she dropped it a few times and nearly collapsed to the floor. But she couldn't keep Ayano waiting, she feared the consequences.

As the bucket was filling, Midori shuddered and finally let her vomit spill as the terror washed over her. " like this..." tears rolled down her eyes, the thought of her childhood friend being a murderer terrified and sadden her. After finishing, she glanced at the overflowing bucket and carried it and a mop over to the murder spot.

"Hmm...." Ayano muttered, looking at Osana's dead body. Heading over the crumpled and mangled body, she could see the incinerator below and it would be pretty easy to just throw the body over the edge. She'd have to clean the blood at the bottom, but she could dodge the delinquents. Lifting up Osana's body was easy, even though she looked frail and weak. Throwing the body over the edge? Not so easy, but she managed it

"Okay, where's that girl?" she grunted, turning around to see if she could spot Midori. Eventually her newfound slave popped back into existence, carrying the cleaning tools. Though she was obeying, her face still spoke terror and worry. Just what Ayano had wanted, to control the witness completely to do her bidding. Through fear and threatening, she felt like Midori would do absolutely anything to save her life.

"H-here..." came the soft, stumbled voice of the green haired girl. Truthfully, she had 2 conflicting emotions in the back of her head. The main one that was telling her to obey Ayano's every command out of self-preservation and the other that told her to smack the broom over the girl's head and make a run for it. The latter wouldn't work, Ayano was watching her like a hawk and....honestly she was too scared of potentially injuring the dark haired girl beyond a simple bump on the head.

Taking the mop, Ayano began the work of cleaning the area. Watching, Midori waited for her next instruction as she was nervously fiddling with her hands. Anything could happen and she was scared of what Ayano would make her do. Suddenly, Ayano stopped when the lack speck of blood was moped up. Dipping the bloody mop into the bucket, she glanced over to Midori. "So, what do you expect me to do about this uniform?" she glanced down at her bloody clothes.

"" Midori whimpered, terrified that if she didn't give a response then Ayano's knife wouldn't stay in her pocket much longer. "....I h-have a spare u-uniform in my l-l-locker, I could g-go get it...."

Simply nodding, Ayano made the command quick and snappy. "Well then, get it! I can't be seen with blood splattered all over my uniform, can I?" and that was all Midori needed in her scared state, as she ran downstairs in order to get the spare uniform. As for why she owned a second one, well.....she was known for damaging things so easily that she was better off prepared.

Standing by her locker, she almost reconsidered her options as she glanced at the school's gate. It would be so easy to just run through those gates, get as far away from Ayano as possible. But, her childhood 'friend' knew where she lived...and her parents weren't home right now as they were on holiday to visit her grandparents and had left her as she was just a quote 'a waste of time and space'. Why they left their mentally....ill....child behind was beyond her. She wasn't ill in many senses, but she was a slow developer and acted very much like a young child. She understood danger and murder, but she still was too innocent.

Back on the roof, Ayano had stripped her uniform off and was currently washing it in the bucket of reddish water. It wasn't the best option, sure, but it would work to keep any stains from developing until she got home and could wash it properly. She felt strange, sitting on the roof in nothing but her bra and panties. But she couldn't care less, as she wiped the blood off her arms and legs, making sure that none remained on her.

To say she was shocked and red-faced would be a understatement, as when Midori got to the rooftop and saw her childhood 'friend' half-naked. Well, lets say she went completely red and was shaking nervously. Would Ayano kill her for seeing her naked? "Um....Y-Y-yan-chan," she eventually stuttered out the dark haired girl's name. "H-here....i-is the u-uniform?" ahh...this is so embarrassing... Midori thought, handing the uniform over as she tried to advert her eyes. How much longer could she manage this.....

Before anyone complaints that Midori is going along with this too easy. What the heck would you do if your life was threatened and the person that threatened you knew where you lived and your parents weren't home....

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