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After their encounter on the rooftop, Midori was tasked with hiding Ayano's wet uniform in her locker in the changing rooms for the time being whilst Ayano carried the bucket and mop downstairs. Sneaking past the delinquents, Ayano made quick work of Osana's dead and limp body by gently tucking the dead corpse inside the incinerator and then throwing the knife it as well to burn all the evidence that would link her to the crime.

By this point, Midori had arrived and stood nervously as Ayano moped up the remains of the blood. "Did you do my task?" came Ayano's cold, almost judging voice. She didn't believe one second that Midori was this loyal, was she really this desperate to save her basically become the pet of the school's serial killer?

"O-of course, Y-yan-chan..." came the whimper, soft and stuttered like every line Midori had spoken since she discovered about Ayano's killings. She still barely understood the reasoning behind why Ayano was so willing to kill for her 'Senpai'. Nobody would do something like this, just because they were in love right? Midori knew she wouldn't....

"Well then, we should start heading to class. Wouldn't want to be late, now would we.." and Ayano's voice dripped back into those silky lines, luring Midori into a sense of safety. But, she understood the cost without Ayano even mentioning it. Any word of what had occurred and she'd be dead, much like Osana. Obviously, Ayano was the first to leave the incinerator area. But Midori stayed behind, giving one last look at the burning furnace behind her.

A choked sob ripped from her throat as she made a pitied whisper to the burning body within the incinerator. "....I'm so sorry....."

Walking nervously into her classroom of 1-1, Midori struggled to keep her mouth shut. She knew Ayano would't hesitate in snuffing out her life a second time, she had to keep her promise. But the fear and horror of seeing a murder in front of her had left her truly scared....sitting down, she fumbled with her hands as she silently hoped nobody attempted to talk to her. But, of course, she wasn't that lucky as Yui Rio came over with a sadistic expression. Honestly, the look didn't scare her after everything. "Hey, Midori. Don't you usually come here earlier than this, so you can talk to the 'Yanderedev' or whatever that you go on and on about?"

"O-oh..." feeling awkward, she had totally forgotten about emailing Yanderedev that day. But, no doubt, he felt relieve about that. He would constantly whine about her emails....maybe he hated her like Ayano certainly did."I...had something to do..." she hoped Yui wouldn't ask for details, as she wasn't prepared to make up a lie. Honestly, she wasn't prepared to keep a secret as big as this either.

Thankfully, she was saved by a bell. Or to be more exact, the teacher. Reina Nana, the teacher of class 1-1 entered with the remains of the students. Taking notes in class would distract her enough, right?....She hoped so. But her mind drifted, thinking about the horrors of what she had seen and promising to be Ayano's slave. It left her pale and remembering her vomiting case from earlier didn't help....

Nearly fainting on her desk, bile rising in her throat that she tried to repress. It was like all her fears were finally washing over her properly as she realized the full gravity of the situation. She now belonged to a serial killer, to do her bidding without complaint. All....because she wanted to save her life so desperately.

All of this was caught by the teacher, who was surprised to say the least. But she remained firm and professional in her stance and expression. "Gurin-San, are you alright?" she made the serious ask, almost stern as if forcing an answer. All of the other students looked over to Midori's desk, concern or worry written on their faces. Honestly, in her foggy and near dazed mind, she couldn't tell.

Half of her wanted to admit 'no'.....but the other half wanted to say 'yes' as they'd only ask questions if she admitted the truth and that would lead to trouble for Ayano in the end game. After much internally debate, she eventually managed to force out a short and simple. "I-I'm fine, Nana-sensei..."

Even though disbelief was evidently written on the teacher's face, she went back to teaching the class and left Midori to her own devices. Just a few more hours....I can do this.... but a persistent thought kept coming back to her over and over. Why was she being so loyal to the serial killer anyway? Not even her life was worth the loyalty that she was giving. Thinking solemnly, she wanted to tear up right then and there. Yan-chan.....why....

The next thing Midori felt or heard was the loud ringing of the bell, pulling her head off the desk that was soaked with tears and saliva along with her cheek. What had happened? Honestly, she couldn't tell and her mind was still too foggy for her to figure it out. "Damn, girl!" came Yui's voice, ringing over her headache. "Never thought you'd sleep through class so soon after the teacher called on you," then the goofy expression changed into something more serious. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"O-of c-course I'm alright, why wouldn't I be?" trying to force out the near hesitant response took most of Midori's energy to do, she felt so weak and sickly. She hoped that this wouldn't get in the way of her newfound duty. If Ayano deemed her too ill to complete the task, what would stop her from just finishing the job that she had wanted to start before. Speaking of the devil, she could sight of Ayano's dark hair at the door and shivered in anticipation.

"Is Midori Gurin here?" Ayano's voice trickled with false innocence and kindness, something that made the green haired girl feel sick again. Especially now that she had seen Ayano's true self, this false kindness left her even more paranoid. But she silently obeyed by getting up and heading to the door. "Ah, there you are. Come with me, I need help with something."

*Shudder*....ugh, Ayano's freaking me out. Sure, I'm writing most of this story at the same time. But writing this much of her is actually terrifying. Honestly, playing as her in the game makes me no click how actually scary she is....

Poor, poor Midori.

A Green Help (Yandere Simulator)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin