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And the cycle continued, for a good few more weeks. So much that Midori basically forgot how much time had passed in as she helped Ayano with her murderous spree for the, to her, really large reward of staying at the dark haired girl's house so she wasn't lonely. What was more terrifying than a little was the 8th week. The rival, this time, was the delinquent leader Osoro. The blonde was the strongest girl in the school and Ayano was able to take her down with a bat, swinging it over and over. Then suddenly, she passed the bat to Midori. "Mind finishing her off whilst I get the bucket. I did say I wanted you to deliver the final blow at some point."

As she watched Ayano leave, she saw Osoro's bloody, but moving, body below her and felt violently ill. Her thoughts were plagued once more, why was she still obeying Ayano. And this time, she had an answer. She was in love with the dark haired girl, even if she knew Ayano would never love her back. All of this lead to her rash and violent decision in that moment, to swing the bat and smash Osoro's skull in. She breathed in and out after the event, seeing the spilled brains of the corpse as well as the bruises and blood.

By this point, Ayano had returned and seemed satisfied with Midori's final blow. "Good girl, I'll make your favorite dinner tonight," this got a smile from the visibly pale girl, as she stepped away from the corpse so that Ayano could take it to the incinerator. From behind her, Midori could see the muscles that the dark haired serial killer had developed in her training to take down the mighty foe and to the core. But she hid her newfound feelings a full-on secret as she moped the grass clean off the blood.

Sure, she had just actually committed a murder herself. Blood was on her hands, so to speak. But she could only think of Ayano in the mist of the events, she was tamed and loyal. She....was quite literally her master's loyal pet for the lack of a better term, and she couldn't care less. Some might say to run for the hills, but she wouldn't listen. She would probably be the one dealing the final blows to the head if this event was one to go by. Though, she also hoped there wouldn't be many more murders.

Her wish was granted 2 weeks later, as the last rivals were Hanako Yamada and Megami Saikou. Being that the former was the younger sister of her Senpai, Ayano took more care when eliminating her. Deciding to befriend the girl to make the little sister see that she was the one for her older brother. It was almost strange for Midori to see her childhood friend nicely to someone that wasn't herself. It actually kind of made her jealous, almost like she would have prefer if Ayano went for the lethal route. And that caused her to hate herself for even considering this thought.

As for the latter, Megami was the student council president and thus always had the 4 members of the council around her. What was worse was that she was aware that somebody was stalking Senpai, which unnerved and worried Midori as she wanted to keep her friend and crush safe from the student council that were now on high alert and keeping an eye out. Every moment of the day, she knew Ayano was being watched as well......the student council were always around when they wanted to be alone. One slip up and Ayano would go to jail.

That slip up was a murder that Ayano chose to commit in the middle of the week to try and create a distraction to keep the student council busy. She murdered Kuu Dere, the school's librarian, in the silent library then cleaned up and informed the coucnil. Thus, she could be all alone with Megami in the student council room. It was a well-thought out plan. However, Ayano arrived in the room with Midori close behind and was promptly attacked.

"So you thought a distraction would work, not considering that I know you're a vulgar creature that wants your senpai to yourself. Forcing innocent schoolgirls to their doom, and," she glanced towards Midori, who was scared for Ayano's safety as Megami had the girl pinned to the wall as Ayano struggled to raise her knife and stab the white haired beauty. "Forcing them to help you with your murder."

Maybe in the beginning, Midori would have agreed with this notion. But now, she just wanted to protect Ayano. But she was terrified to the spot, just forced to watch as the events unfolded. Ayano was still struggling, but as she almost stabbed the student council president - her knife was ripped from her hand. "I think it is time that I put a stop to the terror you have placed on this school."

Raising the knife high, she was prepared to bring it slicing down across Ayano's chest to kill her quick and simply. However, Midori's body finally caught up with her and she pushed her beloved friend out of the way of the attacked and thus taking the full brunt of it. Her arm was sliced open, bleeding effortlessly as she gasped and fell to the floor. Attempting to put pressure herself, she looked at her beloved crush through squinted eyes. She was in agony, more so than when she attempted to kill herself. "A-Ayano..." she gasped out her crush's full first name, forcing a little smile. "S-stay s-safe.....finish her..."

Meanwhile, Megami was stunned in her place. This girl just stopped me from killing the monster that had brainwashed her, of her own accord? she couldn't believe it and she didn't have long to even try as a pair of scissors were slammed in her rib cage by a crying Ayano. Honestly, the black haired girl had no idea what the liquid coming from her eyes was but she paid no mind as she finished the student council president off to avenge her friend. Speaking of which. "Midori! Oy!" she yelled, grasping a hold of the green haired girl and shaking her in a desperate attempt to keep her awake. "Don't die on me now!"

"I-it's o-okay.." weak from her blood-lost, Midori still kept a gentle smile on her face as she looked up at Ayano. "T-thanks f-for a-avenging me," tears finally seeped into her eyes as she choked a sob back. "...I....d-don't wanna d-die.....and l-leave you......" she was slipping out of consciousness and she knew it, but she focused entirely on Ayano as she wanted to prevent the girl from drawing attention to the student council room.

"You're not going to die, you hear me!" Ayano yelled, ripping her skirt into shreds as she wrapped it around Midori's bleeding shoulder in any attempt to slow the blood flow. She had to think, Midori needed medical attention and fast. But she also had Megami's blood splattered on her uniform. Wait....Midori's spare uniforms, if I can get to the locker room!

Grabbing the key to the school council room from in the desk, she quickly locked both doors so nobody would find the corpse of Megami, just hoping she could quickly change and hid the bloody uniform for the time being. She glanced at her phone, 10 minutes until the police arrived. She had to hurry. Calling Info-Chan, she gasped out. "I made a huge mistake going straight after Megami, Midori's injured and I don't know what to do!"

It took a second before she got a reply, as if Info-chan was surprised by Midori getting hurt. "How did you get hurt? But more importantly, I believe you mentioned she has spare uniforms. I can delay the cops, but you need to watch your back as you get downstairs."

That was easier said than done, but Ayano agreed. 10 minutes later and she was in the clear, back in the locked student council room. She quickly changed and then lifted Midori's body in her arms, before crying out for help from the teachers. Eventually, she saw one. "Miss Kanon, Mi-Midori was hurt. I found her like this!" she made her voice believable, full of fear and worry.

"Oh my," was the gasped and horrified response, as Kanon took the injured and now unconscious green haired girl from Ayano. "I'll call the ambulance right away," then she noticed the ripped up cloth that wrapped around Midori's shoulder and made the ask. "Did you do this?" Reluctantly, Ayano nodded as she hoped it wouldn't cause issues. But nothing came out it, except. "I commend you, for taking quick actions. This might keep her blood flow from increasing."

Ayano nodded, pale faced. Maybe her act was more legit then she could conceive, she was so scared for Midori and she couldn't explain it. Was it just worry for a friend....or something that she couldn't understand. All she knew was that Midori was in clear pain and she was the cause of it. I'm so stupid.......why I even bring her alone? Why have I been forcing her to help me......she's too innocent for this world...... glancing back at Midori's almost lifeless body, she sobbed out a whisper. "Please be okay......"

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