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A/N: First chapter!! Yay!!! Took me about all day to write this. Anyways, enjyoy the story!

Camila's POV:

"RRRIIINGGGG!!!!! RRIIIIINNNGGGGG!!! RRRIIINGGGG!!!!!" sounded my alarm clock, telling me that it was 6 am and I need to get out of bed. "RRRIIINGGGG!!!!! RRIIIIINNNGGGGG!!! RRRIIINGGGG!!!!!" It sounds again. I groan and ignore it. But then, it sounds again. Again. Agin Again. And again, and again and, again, until it stops. Why? Oh. Because I beat the crap out of it with my fuzzy pillow. I mean, honestly, who wouldn't? Mess with my sleep time, ya get hit, bish.

I'll probably just wait 5 more minutes.. I close my eyes and start to drift off, until- "Camila! Camila!" Are you up?" I groan. "Yes mom, I'm up." I guess I should get up now, with having my sleep interupted twice already. I don't want someone waking me up a third time. I got up and put on my clothes. When I got dressed, I looked at myself in my full length mirror. I was wearing a red crop top, light blue jeans, and my also red converse. I frowned. there was something missing... I looked over at my nighstand and grabbed my black sunglasses and put them on.

"Perfect." I said. I then came out of my room and went to the kitchen to see mom cooking breakfast. She turned around, saw me ans smiled. "Oh, good morning, Camila! Breakfast will be done in a minute. In the meantime, can you check on Veronica and make sure she's ready?" I nodded and smiled. "Will do." 

I turned around and started heading for Veronica's room. I knocked on the door. "Veronica!" I called out. "You Ready?" No response. "Veronica?" Still no resonse. I opened the door to reveal 10 year old Veronica. Who was still sleeping. I rolled my eyes. "Veronica!" I said. She stirred and then sat up slightly. "What?" she asked. I sighed. "Mom's probably finished making breakfast now. Hurry up or you'll be late." She groaned then got out of bed.

As she was about to leave her room, I noticed something in her closet.  It was a particular dress with a cloud pattern on it. Huh that dress seems familiar, I wonder where I've seen it before. Oh yeah, now I remember! My closet. That. Dress. Is. Mine.

"Give me the dress." I stayed clearly. She turned around. "What dress I- oh! That dress." "Yeah, that dress!" She reaches into her closet and grabbed the hanger. "Oh well, at least I tried." Veronica stated as she handed the dress to me. "Don't take my stuff without permission!" I said and walked out of the room. I then peaked my head back in the door. "It's wrong." I said, then left.

 //\\//\\///\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\//\\Time-skip to Walking to School//\\//\\///\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\//\\

"Bye, mom!" I shouted after I was out the door. "Bye, have a good day at school!" "Hey, Camila!" a voice behind me said. I turned around to see the one and only Cayla Harrison, my best friends since middle school. "How's life?" "Boring as usual." I answered as we started walking to the bus stop. "How's yours?" "Same." she replied. "I was up all night studying for Mrs. Peterson's algebraa test of doom for tomorrow." I nodded. "That's cool man I- wait, did you say test! Tomorrow?!"

"Uh, yeah, a math test. The math test that she told us to study for....a week ago." I'm pretty sure I was so shocked, my jaw was hitting the floor. "Wha- why didn't you tell me?" Because we're in the same class! You and me were in the same room when she said it." 

I had a look that could just tell anybody that I was in complete shock at the news that we have a math test tomorrow. And to make it all worse, Mrs. Peterson is our math teacher. Boy let me tell you, if I don't study as soon as I get home, I'll fail, I can guarantee you that! And to make things worse, we were learning about statistics and probability ...or maybe square roots....or maybe something with fractions, I honestly don't know.

I still continued to walk, now able to see the bus stop around the corner and the kids that waited there. I sighed. "You're 100% right, Cayla, I should have been making sure that I was keeping up with everything. Sorry."

"Apology accepted, my friend." she responded, cherrily, "Now, do you know what's for lunch? I kinda forgot to check school webpage..." I laughed. "Oh, you and lunch, Cayla. But I think we're supossed to be having a smelly chicken and moldy cheese sandwhich, with a side of cold beans and a side of flavorless french fries, and a choice of expired or even more expired milk."

"Ewwwww!! Gross!" she chuckled. "Oh well! You know what they say Ya get what ya pay for!" I nodded in agrement. "Home lunch takes too much of an effort to put together anways." I said.

//\\//\\///\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\//\\Time-skip to After School//\\//\\///\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\//\\

"What a day.." I said. It had been rather a long day at school and I was ready to go home. Although I had to study, at least I can do it within the comefort of my own home. "I know, right? Freedom!" Now I can go wherever I want whenever I wa-" "You have an eight o'clock curfew." I said. Cayla laughed. "Well, that's still more freedom than at school at least."

"Right." I agreed. But sti-" "CAYLA, COME HERE!!!" a voice behind us yelled loudly. I imediately recognized the voice as- "JUST A SECOND, MADISON!" Cayla yelled back. "Is it ok if I walked home with Madison?" I nodded. "Oh, that's ok with me, go right ahead." She then turned around and started run to catch up with Madison, but then she turned around and gave me a hug. "Thanks." she said. "I'll walk with you tomorrow." 

And with that, she realeased me from the hug and she turned around. "MADISON! I'M COMING!!" I turned around and started walking home. Madison was another one of our friend, but she was't as close as me and Cayla. They shared alot of intrists such as Pokemon and other anime's. 

I personally think that Pokemon is overrated. I mean seriously! Am I supposed to beleive the lies I hear?! You can't tell me Ash Ketchum is only 10 years old. I still says he's 20. The Game Theorists are always accurate. But Madison and Cayla still don't believe MatPat, oh well.

I continued walking until I saw something on the sidewalk, it looked like....is that a pen?? I reached down and grabbed it, turning it around and around. It was a a pen tht looked like a carrot, it was so cute! I then felt these....buttons on the side? I pushed them. they did nothing. "Huh. Wonder what this is for..." I said. I stopped holding down the button. I then pressed a button below it while starting to walk again. 

My house could be seen right around the corner from where I was, but all of a sudden- "Huh. Wonder what this is for..." I jumped in the air upon hearing my own voice. Wait, why am I hearing my own voice!?" I looked at the pen and slowly pressed the button and held it down. "...Hello?" I said into what looked like a little speaker/microphone thing on the side. I then stopped holding the buttons and pressed the one under it and then- "...Hello?" was heard.

I got it! This pen is a recording device I thought. "That's so cool." I said while looking the pen over again. Where did this came from? Who does it belong to? Oh, well the answer to that question is rather obvious. And the answer was me now. Finders keepers.

Word Count: 1321

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