Cool Kid Patrol

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while and stuck to my schedule, I just recently got back from my trip to Hawaii

Oh, and above are some Police vines seeing as this book is about Zootopia, enjoy.

Anyway, onto the story!


Nick, Judy, and Camila were in a ZPD police car on patrol for the day. Judy was behind the wheel, Nick was shotgun, and Camila was in the backseat.

Luckily, the glass was made so that the cars passengers could see outside, but to everyone looking in, it looked like a very tinted window.

"What's so great about patrol, again?" Camila asked, sighing as she looked at the passing scenery.

"Patrol is for cool kids, duh," Judy said while glancing at her mirror to look at Camila.

"Wow, going 25 miles, what fun, goody me..."

"Hey, one mile over 25 and we break the speed limit," Nick pointed out.

"What's so cool about it though? Tbh, it's not very cool as you put it."

"Well, for one, we're not cooped up at the ZPD doing paperwork, it's something different." Nick said as he moved his paws to motion to himself and Judy. "Something new happens every day.  And secondly, who wouldn't want to ride in a cop car?" Nick answered.

Camila raised her hand. "I would very much like it if I was excluded from patrol."

"Come on, patrols not that bad! This is every kids dream growing up!" Judy said.

The teen rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yeah, maybe if you're a 5 year old! Where's the action at! Where's the excitement? Where's the police siren!?"
Camila exclaimed. "Because I see none of that at the moment, therefore making this trip uneventful."

Suddenly, a blue car sped past the three, a trail of dust shooting behind.

Nick smiled and turned his head backwards to look at Camila. "I think you just answered your own question."

That's when the cars siren turned and accelerated towards the blue vehicle. Camila suddenly gripped to the leather seat tightly.

"Woah, fast car," Camila pointed out. "What happened to 25 miles?"

"Yep," Judy chirped, her eyes glued on the road. "Can go up to 175 miles per hour! And we're allowed to go over the limit for this particular situation."

"Wow, that's actually pretty impre- Woah!" Camila sounded as the car made a sharp left turn, causing her body to violently shift to the other side.

"Sorry, you guys ok?" Judy asked, briefly looking at Nick, then at their guest through the rear view mirror.


"Never better."

"Great, because another turn is-"

The car then made another sudden turn, but to the right, causing Camila to shift again. She made a groaning noise.

"Wait, do you even have your license! Because if you don't then-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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