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Tinkering could be heard from the massive Uchiha garage. Cars lined the inside and filled the building, shining in all there expensive beauty. A guy had to have his cars, right? A raven haired teen of almost 18 years stood bent over the exposed engine of his favorite car, a Ferrari F50 GT. The fire-engine red exterior complemented the crisp black leather interior. There was something inexplicably sexy about fast, sleek cars that fit Sasuke perfectly. Yellowish oil streaked his porcelain skin, oddly adding to his gorgeous face and figure.

"I see you've been souping up your baby. Planning on winning this year?

"Kakashi." Sasuke acknowledged. A man in his early 30's walked into the behemoth of a garage. Kakashi ran his hand tentatively through his silver spiked hair. A bandana around his head covered one of his eyes; a little glimpse of a scar peaked out from underneath the scarf alluding to some fight or accident in the handsome man's past.

"Late again as usual, and yes, with my new ride, I plan on winning first prize in the Abashi Racing Tournament this year." Sasuke turned around, wiping the grease from his hands, to face his manager; a trade mark smirk graced his perfect, supple lips.

"Late? Why, I'm an hour earlier than I normally am. I simply like to enjoy the path of life..."

"Your path seems to span the entire county and around it a couple times before you decide it's worth your time to keep up any engagement."

"Well... anyway. So this is the car you've been so keen on getting me to see. Looks expensive. You didn't go overboard, did you?" Kakashi eyed the car, his visible eye crinkling in a smile of approval (and slight envy).

"$ 600,000. But that doesn't include the extra ammo I'll pack inside. I figure there'll be at least another $100,000 spent before I'm done." Kakashi looked as if he would spit out his coffee (if he had one anyway). Sasuke could have sworn that he heard a little gasp escape his mentor.

"$600,000! That's ludicrous! I can't approve of you spending that much of your parent's money! I won't allow it!" The 30 year olds face tints red during his quick rant.

"Don't worry. First off, it's my money now. I may do with it as I wish. And besides, my parents left me enough money to last a person a million lifetimes. I also own the company my dad ran. I'm set for life and then some." The teen turned back to the vehicle, a little bit miffed, to finish his work for the night. After all, he did have school tomorrow. "It's not like anyone cares what I do with my life." This last thought left Sasuke's lips silently, unheard by Kakashi or the world around him.

Beep, beep, beep, beep....

"Hn?...ah.. What time is it?" Sasuke rolled over in his king sized bed and slapped the offending alarm clock. He groggily stared at the blaring red numbers...7:00am.

"Damn... school." The slender teen untangled himself from the black satin sheets and began his morning routine.

Take a long, hot shower

Get dressed (look hot but try not to look like he tried too hard)

Eat a moderately healthy breakfast (had to keep his skin looking nice, right?)

Gather his school supplies and head to school

School starts at 8:00am.

Sasuke got out of his car (the REALLY nice one), not noticing the envois stares and drooling girls, and entered the prestigious Konoha High School. Headed down the hall, Sasuke noticed a girl standing at his locker. He wasn't annoyed like he normally would because this pink haired girl was one of his closest friends.

"Hey, Sasuke! How was your weekend?"

"Fine. How are you doing Sakura?" Sakura stepped out of Sasuke's way as he opened up his locker.

"Oh. Guess what. We're getting a new student! I wonder if it's a boy or a girl. I hope it's a cute boy!" Sakura gushed. She had once had a crush on Sasuke. Who didn't? But she had given up long ago and settled into a great friendship. She wasn't going to be one of those crazed fan girls that left candy in his mail box and stalked him day and night. They had known each other since their first year of middle school and had a level of respect for one another. She had also found out that Sasuke, like her, had a passion for racing cars. Sakura didn't have one of those expensive sports cars that naturally went fast like Sasuke but she did have a pretty fast car that she had modified. She was pretty proud of the prizes she had won. Though she was sure Sasuke had more. On occasion she and Sasuke raced or entered partner races together.

Entering the class room Sasuke and Sakura took their seats. Sasuke sat one seat from the window toward the back and Sakura sat two seats in front of him. A scarlet, spiky, short haired boy entered the class room and took his seat between Sasuke and the window. The boy had tons of eyeliner on and teal eyes that revealed no emotion, much like Sasuke's ebony eyes.

"Gaara." The red head identified as Gaara turned to Sasuke. "When do you think the parts for my car will arrive?" Gaara's brother, Kankuro, owned a car shop, Desert Auto Body, where Gaara workes.

"Two days shipping." Gaara simply answered. Sasuke was one of his best customers.

"O.K. students. Listen up!" Their teacher, Iruka-sensei, called as he entered the class. He was relatively young, probably late 20s, and had a handsome face, though he did have a scar that went across nose. "I'm sure you've probably heard that a new student would be joining us." He turned and motioned for someone out in the hall to come in. Sasuke wasn't particularly interest. It was most likely an annoying girl who would swoon at his presence or a loser slack-off boy. Either way, he didn't care. Turning his attention to the entering form, Sasuke couldn't help but stare.

Blindingly golden locks swayed as the new boy walked in. Brilliant eyes, more gorgeous than the sky, shone widely. Perfect sun-kissed skin was complemented by the strange yet fitting whisker marks on each cheek. The boy wore a black choker and a black wife-beater that stated 'What Are You Looking At?' He also wore tan cargo shorts that went past his knees. Three earrings in each ear were placed starting from the top of his ear, down, evenly. Sasuke felt like he couldn't breathe. He just kept staring at the blond god, though not showing any emotion (a perfected look all the Uchiha's knew).

"Hi! My name is Naruto Uzumaki!"

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