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The next few days went by in quiet tandem. The incident with Sasuke had left Naruto too confused to even say. He proceeded to avoid the raven-haired youth like a dog to fleas. Never turning around in his seat, Naruto could feel the coal eyes boring into his back. At lunch, Naruto even ate his lunch quickly and would run back into the building as soon as possible just not to have any contact with the Uchiha. This odd behavior and apparent avoiding did not go unnoticed by Sasuke. Actually, he found it rather amusing that Naruto felt so flustered. Every time Sasuke turned the corner, Naruto would dart away with some random excuse. That was ok though, Sasuke new he would have to give Naruto some time to mull things over. The blond would eventually come around and talk to him about it. Until then, the gorgeous, fair-skinned teen would wait until Naruto got over his little games.

Students chatted loudly during their lunch break. Naruto had just sat down and proceed with his speed eating hoping to leave unseen. Finishing his ramen, Naruto stood up and turned to the safety of the school building.

"Hey, Naruto! I feel like I haven't talked to you in ages. Sit down." Kiba had emerged from behind Naruto, slapping his back, before pulling Naruto down onto the bench seat next to him. "So, are you signed up for the big race? It's in two weeks you know. If you don't sign up soon, all the available spots will be taken."

"Um, I don't think I'm signed up. What's the race like. It is legal right?" Naruto maintained constant vigil as more of his friends joined them at the table.

"Ya it's legal. It's a HUGE race that spans a couple days. I guess you can think of it like the Iditarod Dog Sled Race but with cars and a desert. You sign up in groups and the team with the best overall time wins. There are also prizes for the best single racer. The entrance fee is kind of steep though. But the best group wins $500,000 to split and the best single racer gets $100,000!" Kiba was getting all excited now. "Shikamaru, Neji, and I have a team already."

"What're guys talking about?" The deep voice of the Uchiha questioned from directly behind Naruto. More than a simple shiver went shooting through the blonde's body with the weight of Sasuke's hands squeezing his shoulders. Kiba was totally oblivious to the nonverbal communication between the two. "So, Naruto, interested in the Abashi Racing Tournament?" Naruto sat still, too freaked out to reply. "Good. 'Cause I signed you up with me and Sakura. We'll win for sure." Sasuke looked up to Kiba from his leaning over Naruto. "Your group doesn't stand a chance, Kiba." A confident smirk seemed forever plastered to his face. He then leaned back down and whispered into Naruto's ear. "Don't let me down. Oh, and you can't keep avoiding me forever, son of the Yellow Flash." Sasuke walked away very self-assured leaving poor Naruto stark white with shock.

Naruto lay on his bed contemplating his Sasuke situation. 'God, what should I do?' He rolled over onto his side, facing the wall. "Why do I have this feeling of deja-vu all the time, especially when Sasuke is around? And how did he know that Yellow Flash was my dad? What do I do about the race? Should I join Sasuke's team? And what about that kiss, that certainly wasn't an accident. I mean, it's not like I didn't enjoy it...I guess. Oh I LIKE Sasuke? He is...sort of...kind of...ok, REALLY good looking, with his toned body, creamy skin, and o-so-soft raven hair...oh god, I sound like my elementary school pervy-teacher, Jiraiya.' Naruto ruffled up his hair frustratedly. 'Arrhhhh, What do I do?'

Sasuke once again could be found in his car haven adjusting some odds and ends on one of his cars. He had been out club hopping for a couple hours with Neji and Sakura and was now clad only in his most sexy leather pants (Sakura's idea). After finishing tinkering with the car's engine, Sasuke noted a presence having just entered the garage. The moon was out, hushing the life below it, making any sound more evident in the late hours of the night. Sasuke didn't turn around.

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