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Sasuke made his way toward his car. The bell had rung announcing the end of the school week, allowing the tired students to go home and relax. Streams of kids filed out of the massive Konoha High complex.

"Hey Sasuke." Neji called in a deep voice and walked up to Sasuke nonchalantly.

"What are you doing this afternoon?"

"Nothing. Why?" Keeping his cool exterior; he placed his school work on top of his car while he searched for his keys.

"A bunch of us are going down to the lake. You know, relax, eat, swim maybe. You wanna come?"

"Sure." Always remaining stoic Sasuke got into his car. "I'll be there in half an hour."

Around 3:00 pm, Naruto locked his apartment door and made his way to the pink Honda Civic where Sakura stood. He was a little taken aback by the Lambo doors(1), the white details along the sides and front of the car, and pink under car lights that varied in shade with the beat of the music blaring from the car's stereo system. One word for the car... 'Rice'(2).

"Hey Sakura, what did you do, swipe this off a pimp? It's so...ghetto. Don't tell me you're a ricer(3)." Naruto playful slapped Sakura on the back before sitting in the car and having a good laugh.

Sakura turned red. "Well if you don't approve then don't sit in it! And so what, I happen to like the way it looks, call it 'rice' if you want but it's certainly NOT ghetto. Just don't be too upset when I blow you away at the track! Hmmuff!" She turned around, back facing Naruto, in a fake pout.

"Ok, fine, your car isn't ghetto, can we please go?" The two were headed to a casual get together at a lake the teens frequented. Sakura had invited Naruto, being that he was one of her new friends and he didn't know too many people. The lake was a small one that few people went to except for Sasuke's gang and a few other older students. It was a nice retreat during breaks. In the winter it was good ice skating and the summer was great swimming.

"We're here!" Sakura announced as she stopped her Civic in a grassy make-shift parking spot beneath some trees. The sparkling water could be seen through the thick line of trees separating it from the dirt road. Laughter mixed with splashing rang out and the smell of grilled food filled the air. Naruto's eyes lit at the prospect of a good time with his new friends. Pushing through the mass of branches, the two entered in on the party.

Shikamaru and Choji had parked themselves at the small propane grill and attended to the food. Ino was trying to coax Hinata out from the bushes where she was shyly hiding, trying to cover up her bathing suit, because Naruto had just appeared. Hinata's face burned with an all-encompassing blush. Some of the teens turned to see the new arrivals. Sakura waved jovially while Naruto stood by silently. Haku, who had also made an appearance, motioned for Naruto to join him by the shore as Sakura roamed between different people.

"Hi Naruto. I didn't know you were coming. Sit down." Haku patted the sand next to him, a smile gracing his beautiful, feminine face. Naruto sat down, taking a look at all the people. Some older guys that Naruto didn't know but had seen at school were in the water having a splashing match with one another. Sakura had weeded out Sasuke who had been lounging in some fold-out chairs with Neji, Lee, Kiba, and Gaara. Naruto's gaze quickly fell to the Uchiha. Sasuke was wearing a white wife beater and sage board shorts. Naruto couldn't help but feel his face get hot.

'Why do I feel this way? I can never look at him straight on without feeling awkward. Not to mention I always catch him looking at me in class. We've barely said anything to one another and it's been a week already.' Naruto couldn't help but feel some how drawn to the broodingly-good looking Sasuke. Who didn't? Naruto had never considered himself gay, but that he just didn't care about gender. If the person was good looking then bring them on; who was he to judge? But this pale, dark-haired boy was different. Naruto didn't know how but he knew. Sasuke also reminded him of something vaguely familiar, though he couldn't remember quite what it was. Haku noticed that Naruto was completely lost in thought. He followed Naruto's gaze to Sasuke. It was quite apparent that Naruto liked Sasuke, though others may not get it yet.

"Why don't you go over and talk to him? You can get to know him better." Haku flashed a simple, sweet smile.

"Huh? Oh! I...I don't know what you're talking about." Naruto was like a kid caught in the cookie jar. A small laugh escaped Haku as he motioned for Naruto to go and join the others. Suddenly a wave of water enveloped Haku and Naruto as they sat on the beach. A tall, brown haired guy of about 19 years stood in the water, the obvious creator of the wave. He stood in the water menacingly; his size intimidating anyone who dare get in his way.

"HEY, HAKU!" A gruff voice commanded. "Come here!" The older boy held out his big hand, waiting for Haku's response. Haku sat here, his very feminine Yukata completely soaked, a small blush spreading along his cheeks.

"Ah...ah...yes Zabuza." Haku rose and wandered into the water toward Zabuza. Zabuza took Haku's hand lightly, a softer expression on his face. He then proceeded to lift Haku onto his shoulders to participate in a game of chicken. All the while Haku's face burned red.

'What was that about?' Frantic thoughts had run across Naruto's mind when the bigger boy had called out to Haku. Naruto thought that he was going to pummel both him and Haku. But apparently that was not the case. Seeing that he was alone, Naruto made his way over to Sasuke's group. Naruto could hear the teens talking animatedly about something.

"Wait til the guys at the track get a load of Sasuke's new car. They positively panic!" Sakura was waving her hands around and talking avidly. Turning around, Sakura noticed Naruto sitting down next to her in the sand. "Oh, hey, guess what. A race has been planned for Saturday night at the intersection of Clyde St. and Rosemont Dr.. Hopefully the cops won't get ear of this and stop it like they did last time."

"Last time?"

"Ya, our last race was found out and the cops swarmed in and broke it up."

"Ya, that, and I got arrested. Though they couldn't prove I had been racing they charged me with just being there!" Lee looked almost proud about his brush with the law. "I got out the next morning, though." Sakura had her hand to her forehead in annoyance. She always seemed to be slightly agitated by Lee and yet tolerant of his annoyingness.

"So, you gonna race on Saturday, Naruto?" Everyone looked at Sasuke when he spoke. They all seemed surprised that he spoke, and to Naruto even. A hush fell over the group.

"You bet!" Naruto held up his hand, fingers in a 'V' for victory. He surprised everyone just as much as when Sasuke spoke. Naruto's chipperness, though, roused everyone from their state of silence. They all suddenly burst into bouts of talking, excitedly conversing about the upcoming race. While everyone else talked, Sasuke and Naruto were caught in a staring match. Sasuke's sudden apparent non-hatred for Naruto had opened them both up a little. " gonna race too?"

"Yes." Sasuke wore a trade mark smirk while resting his head on one of his hands. "I s'pose that you think you can beat me then, no?" Still smirking.

"I don't know. I haven't seen how good you are." It was a modest statement. "But I think I'll try, just to see that smirk wiped off your face." Throwing a big foxy grin of his own.

"We'll just see about that."

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