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"Hello Itachi."

The mini Uchiha stood in the garage, glaring at the larger Uchiha.

"Well, don't look so happy to see me." A smirk curled on Itachi's lips.

"Oh...and tell whoever is hiding to come out." Sasuke remained still. "Come on. It's painfully obvious. A motorcycle in the drive way? I know it's not yours."

"Fine. Naruto, come out." The smaller Uchiha growled at having to concede to his brother.

Naruto clambered out of the car, flushed with embarrassment (his shirt on now), and stumbled next to the calm and collected Sasuke.

"Um...Hi,....I'm Naruto. It's...ah...nice to finally meet you." The blonde couldn't even look at Itachi. 'Damn, if it's possible, Itachi is even hotter than Sasuke. Was everyone in their family just as good looking?'

Itachi's smirk grew even bigger.

"Weelll... this is interesting. Sasuke, I had no idea you had such a CUTE boyfriend. I guess all those girls were just too much, huh?" The smirk turned into a smile, sure to have some sort of ulterior motive. Sasuke's hair bristled in back and he clenched his fists while a scarlet Naruto turned ever redder.

"I guess I'll leave you two alone then." The dashing older brunet turned to enter the house once again. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Well...he seemed pretty...nice." Naruto turned to Sasuke but noticed that the small Uchiha was shaking.

"Hey. What's the matter!"

"I...I...can't...stand...him!" Anger and pure hatred trembled along with his deep voice.

"He's ALWAYS taunting me, always rubbing his superiority in my face! I HATE him! He's nothing but a selfish murderer! If it hadn't been for his stupid drunken driving, my parents would be here right now! Fuck that he wasn't legally drunk; anybody would have seen the other car! He's no brother of mine." Sasuke looked as if he was going to punch something, most likely the car next to him. The blonde decided to stop this by wrapping his arms around Sasuke from behind.

"Shhh. It's ok." Naruto could feel the trembling Sasuke begin to calm down. The brunet's strength wavered until he was seated on the ground, legs bent with his head between his knees. Naruto remained standing and watched Sasuke for several minuets until he was sure that Sasuke was calm.

"Well, I'll get going then. You and all." Naruto bent own and patted Sasuke's head sympathetically. Before the blonde could turn and leave, a hand shot up and grabbed the ties of Naruto's hood, pulling the two face to face.

"Thanks." Sasuke's low voice purred. He then pulled Naruto even closer by the hood strings and kissed the blonde deeply.

"Don't go near my brother. He may try to talk to or approach you, so be careful. Anyway, I'll be looking forward to tomorrow." With a coy smile, he sent Naruto off with a wave.

The next morning arrived much too quickly for Naruto. The events of the night before flooded his head. It seemed surreal that the most popular, most gorgeous guy in school would like him.

The blonde had just entered the class room when a look from Sasuke, who was seated in his desk across the classroom, caused shivers to race up his spin. It wasn't the usually glare that was programmed in the Uchiha but a look of...happiness? Sasuke's expression, even though it was very subtle, almost undetectable, was pure and softened; a sincere smile sent Naruto into complete mush. 'When did this change take place? Last night?'

The blonde walked slowly to his desk.

A red head stopped by Naruto in passing.

"I don't know about you, but I'd look out if I were you. Sasuke is acting VERY strange and given the chance, I think he'd probably jump you in a second." Gaara whispered this warning to Naruto before looking sideways at Sasuke and shuddering at his 'strange' behavior and walking to the pencil sharpener. Naruto continued the path to his desk when he caught the 'I-could-just-eat-you' look from Sasuke. This caused the blonde to trip up the stairs and scrap his knee.

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