chapter13: the Scan

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1 week later and i have finnaly got all my crap from bastildon to london succesfully. i had the scan next week and to be honest, i was fecking terified, i pegged it to go ask Dan if he would be in my new video doing some sort of tag video, we asked twitter and the most popular one was 'my boyfriend does my make-up tag'. i had already done this one before with Luke cause Jo didn't want to do it. but dan was happy enough. we started. "Hello everybody, i'm with dan-isnotonfire!" i said awkwardly, and he laughed leaning into the frame." and today we are gonna do-." i said building up the tension. "my boyfriend does my make-up tag!, i ruined it" dan said fast. i looked at him really pissed off in a jokey way and he just laughed. 

"and thank you for watching!, and click on his horrible fucking face to see his channel!" i said jokingly. he walked of to the door hurt. "aww i'm sorry!" he turned around qickly and ran up to me hugging me then deeply kissing me. "i forgive you!" then phil walks in the room whilst were kissing. "i'm not looking!"he sid covering his eyes and shutting the door behid him after walking out. we laughed then carried on kissing.

"Em, wake-up it's the scan today." dan said softly. i woke up to see dan leaning on dan's elbow looking at me. i leaned forward kissing his cheek lightly, he pouted wanting me to kiss his lips."i have morning breath." he frowned and we sat up in bed until i ran to the toilet to vomit. dan walked into the room holding my hair back. "you ok?" he asked sweetly. i simply replied with "the joys of beingpregnant." i sat down on the floor and dan sat with me."we need to go other wise we'll be late." i got up brushed my teeth and hair then went and got changed.

we got a taxi and made our way to the place, you go.... for a scan, yeah that place. and soon we got into the room...that room uh hmmm. and dan asked "is it a boy or girl?" smiling kindly she said. "i yhink it's to early to find out, dan looked disapointed. we left the room and they told us we had to come back in a month for a check up. we took the bus home and showed phil the picture." aw little baby Dan, or Emma!" he cooed. i fell back on the sofa and sleeped for and hour before Dan woke me up saying," Emma we got pizza!" he smiled "yay!" i said sleepely.

Emma Blackery and Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now