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After Jaebum and Yugyeom had beaten the shit out of the three men, they rush up to the two boys who were scared and almost naked, they will surely catch a cold.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jaebum asked softly to Youngjae who winced and shook his head. Jaebum sighed and took out his coat, putting it on Youngjae since his shirt was ripped.

"Let's wear your pants, okay?" He said catching the pants and Youngjae nodded, Jaebum made almost all the work and got him up, he was trembling so hard.
He searched for Yugyeom and saw that the tall boy was helping the other guy, he gave him clothes that were in his backpack and helped him to dress to.

"Do you want us to take you home? Hospital? Police?" Jaebum asked, Mark was soon in Yugyeom pants and walked right to Youngjae, he hold the prince and let him snuggle in his body.

"Thank you so much for helping us, if Youngjae was raped I... I don't know what I would do."

"You don't have to thank us, you two were in danger and we couldn't let that three shit hurt you." Yugyeom said walking to be aside of Jaebum.

"Anyway, thank you, what is your names?" Mark said again since Youngjae couldn't say a word.

"I am Im Jaebum, he is Im Yugyeom, my little brother."

"Little?" Mark chuckled a little making the two brothers smile.

"But again, we will take you guys home, it's more secure."

"Jaebum, we have to go to the police." Yugyeom said. "That monsters almost raped them, they can't be free."

"Yeah I think you are right." Jaebum sighed, Youngjae sniffed and still with his head low he said.

"We don't want the police in this, please don't do nothing." He mumbled.


"No Yugyeom, he is saying that he don't want it so we won't do it, let's go, we will take you home."

"No sir, if you let me use your phone, it's enough for me."

"My phone? If you thinking that I will leave you two here alone..."

"No, no, I just want Jinyoungie." He mumbled again, Mark sighed and took the phone that Jaebum gave him.

'Youngjae? What number is this? Where are you? God I am so worried.'
'Can you...' he sobbed and hiccup 'Can you come get me and Mark?' 'Why are you crying? What happened?'
'Just come fast please Jinyoung-ah, we are near to that ice cream shop that Jackie always come'
'I'm on my way muffin'

"Why do you have that much of clothes in your backpack?" Mark asked to Yugyeom as Youngjae gave Jaebum his phone back, they slowly walked out of the alley and stood in front of the closed ice cream shop.

"I am a dancer! We were going to practice when we heard you."

"Oh sorry..."

"Don't be sorry, please, we helped you and I am so happy because of this, my mom would be proud of me."

"She is proud of you, Gyeom-ah." Jaebum said smiling at his brother.
They stood quiet for some short minutes till they heard a car coming closer, Youngjae finally looked up to see the familiar car of his cousin parking in front of them.

"Baby! What happened? What is this clothes? Are you fine?" Jackson stomped out and rushed to his boyfriend taking him in his arms.

"Youngjae..." Jinyoung said afraid, afraid of what he would see, and if the prince was hurt?

"Jinyoung-ah!" He said crying again, he ran to Jinyoung arms and hold him tight.

"W-what... What happened to you?"

"There was...there was three...oh Jinyoung I was so afraid of them." Youngjae said, Jaebum cleaned his throat.

"They were almost rapped by three men, they were already in just underwear, but I think that the men didn't beat them." Jackson was shocked, he looked down at his boyfriend and hold him so tight in his strong arms.

"They were...almost rapped? Fuck! " Jinyoung said, Youngjae got out of the hug to show him his hurt wrists.

"THEY HURT YOU? I WILL KILL THEM!" He yelled angrily, Yugyeom bit his lip looking at his brother.

"They're already gone."

"We will take them home, thank you for helping." Jackson said since Jinyoung was so angry that nothing was coming from him, he was just holding Youngjae and panting.

"No need to, take care of them, they were really scared." Jaebum said and his brother nodded.

"Jack, I'm in his clothes..." Mark said and Yugyeom rushed.

"No no, you don't have to give them back, don't worry, I have a lot of this pants and jacket, you just go home and take a shower, otherwise you two will be sick." He said, the Im's soon was gone and the prince and his friend was in the car with Jackson and Jinyoung.

"I'm sorry Jackie, I put Mark in danger."

"Oh Jae-ah you don't have to be sorry, it was not your fault, you two were just roaming and they got you."

"But I was the one who insisted to Mark to come. I am a awful prince, I should care about others and not about myself."


"It's okay Jackson, I talk to him."

"Jinyoung, I'm sorry to you too, I know how you hate when I get hurt and I just got really hurt."

"Muffin, stop apologizing otherwise I will be mad at you, you don't want it, right?" he shook his head.

"So, we will go home and you will take a good shower, you will eat properly and then I will make you sleep."

"Can you make me food?"

"Yes, if you want it."

"And can you sleep with me today? I am still scared."

"Of course, muffin, you don't have to me scared, okay? Nothing will happen when I'm with you, so don't worry."

"Okay, Jinyoung-ah, can you hug me?"

"Come closer." Youngjae got closer and soon was wrapped in Jinyoung arms.


My poor little boys 😢
I will soon add Yugyeom to "know the characters" so be aware.
Jinyoung got really mad but he is not mad at Youngjae anymore, Jackson is shocked and still scared as fuck, what if his little boy was hurt seriously?
Anywaaay, I updated so much today, I think it will be one more, or two, don't know, still deciding about it.
Hope you all are fine, take care and don't take risks

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