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Two weeks passed, but the words between the two men didn't passed of sometimes greetings and Youngjae telling him when he had some meeting or something important. The office was pretty awkward, Youngjae got really down just like Jaebum, he went home everyday but barely ate something properly and soon went to sleep. Jaebum on the other side, went home all silent and barely shared words with his brother, who was worried as hell, and this bring us here.

"Hey Bum... Jaebum?" he frowned stepping in the office, Youngjae looked up to him and got up.

"Are you looking for Mr. Im? He will be back in some minutes, you can sit if you want to." His voice was a little weak, Yugyeom nodded and sat down on his brother's coach, he stared at Youngjae trying to remember from where he knew him.

"What is your name?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I am so drowned in this papers that didn't introduced myself, I am Kim Youngjae, you?" He said looking up and smiling tired at Yugyeom who had his eyes widened.

"Im Yugyeom..."

"Im... Yugyeom? Are you something of Mr. Im?" he said thinking that that name wasn't totally unknown.

"I am his brother."

"Oh!" Youngjae exclaimed surprised, Jaebum entered the office and found two surprised boys, he frowned a little.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see how you were...but...Bum..."


"He is the alley boy..." Youngjae got startled at Yugyeom's statement.

"What? Are you drunk or something?"

"Just look at him! It's him, I remember clearly Bum." Jaebum glared at Youngjae but couldn't recognize him.

"Yugyeom, you are crazy."

"Just...remember his friend saying his name! He said something like 'if Youngjae was rapped". Youngjae!" Jaebum soon got shocked too, the three of them were looking at each other.

"Youn-Youngjae, it was you? The boy we helped? Almost 3 weeks ago?"

"I... I didn't realized it was you, Mr. Im..."

"Oh fuck!" He said messing up his hair.

"That's why your wrists were hurt!"

"Yes..." Youngjae said even if it wasn't a question but a statement.

"Are you fine now?" Yugyeom asked and Youngjae nodded lightly for him.

"We met at the pub, we met in the alley, and we met again in my office..." Jaebum said staring at Youngjae.

"Yes..." it was the only thing he could say.

"What the Fuck destiny want from us?"

"I-I don't know."

"Maybe you two are soulmat..." he stop at the middle of the sentence when the two men glared at him.

"Well, I'm going now, you're welcome by the way, if it wasn't me, you two would never had recognized each other." he got out and Jaebum was still staring at Youngjae, he was just...surprised, he liked the boy a lot in the first time they met and then the destiny made sure that the two would be together in some way.

"So... Let's eat something, I'm hungry and you must be too."

"But I still have work..."

"I am your boss, Youngjae, let's go eat." He picked up his car's keys and Youngjae's hand.

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