Fifty Three

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Chapter might be triggering, if you are sensitive about suicide it's better pass the part that I'm gonna warn.

"Is it hurting darling?" Sunmi asked concerned looking at her son's wrist, it had tons of green and purple plus the little cuts.

"I'm okay, don't worry, who is he?" He said wincing but breathing deeply.

"Mina's son, he is threatening us,  threatening our people." She said and he got surprised as they were walking over the castle looking for Minho.

"And you and dad are accepting this? Mom you are the queen!"

"And what? He almost exploded orphanages Youngjae, he has power under his hands and till we get it from him, we are under his hands too, well, that's what he thinks." She said sighing and seeing Minho stepping out his office. The king huffed but as soon as he saw his wife and son he smiled brightly.

"Youngjae..." He muttered and the prince ran to his father's arms, the feeling was awesome, he was feeling guilty for not telling them about the kidnap but they didn't needed to know, they already had enough problems.

"How are you, my son?" He asked as they broke the hug and the king pulled Sunmi's hand.

"I'm fine, I just came here to see you two but that man showed up and-"

"Minho we can't let him live here anymore, he hurt our child." The queen stated and Minho got shocked.

"He what???!!" Minho said with wide eyes and clenching his fist.

"I'm fine!" The prince rushed. "Don't worry, please, that burden will soon be out of our home." He angrily mumbled.

"Youngjae you are really a sweetheart but as your father, I'm gonna kill him for hurting you, alright? Alright then let's eat something, hum?" Minho didn't even let his family members think about it and dragged them to his office.

"It's been so long since I came here last time." Youngjae said to himself looking around, Minho called a servant to ask for their food.

"Yes it is, how is your apartment, sweetheart?" Sunmi asked sitting on Minho's armchair.

"It's great, I really really like it, and since Mark and Jackson live with me- plus the fact I'm always with Jaebum- I never feel alone or sad, of course I miss you two and the castle, my bedroom, dad's garden and all but it's really good having my own place, at the end of each and every day that I lay down I feel great, I have a great job, a great boss, I have new friends, I live with my brother and cousin." He stopped as he remembered of Jinyoung and inhaled deeply looking down for a couple of seconds.

"So what is bothering you, honey?" The queen asked before he could open his mouth again, Youngjae looked up and saw that the servant had already left them and now with closed doors Sunmi was sat on Minho's lap, both of them looking at the prince waiting for his answer.

"It's nothing... I mean, I really love my job but that man give me so many problems to solve so I'm a little bit stressed." Minho rolled his eyes well knowing he was lying.

"My sweet baby, you can tell anything to mom and dad." The queen said and he nodded.

"I kno-"

"Darling, that's his and Jinyoung's problems, let's give them space, hum? I'm sure they can solve this by themselves." Minho for the second time surprised his wife and child.

"Alright alright, I give up!" She said huffing.


The other day.

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