Thirty Two

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Youngjae was fast in grabbing his cellphone that was ringing and accepting the call.

'Jae-ah!' He heard Jackson's voice and got teary again, he seemed fine but tired.
"Jackie! How are you all? What happened?" Jackson sighed loudly and Youngjae held a yawn, it was already 4AM and he didn't slept nothing, Jaebum was showering to relax and try to rest a little before work.
'No Jae-ah, I need to know about you, where are you?'
'Jaebum's house, don't repeat it out loud!' He mumbled.
'Oh of course but who is he? Are you safe?'
'Yes I'm totally safe, we are here since the alarm began, he took care of me and kept awake not letting me alone.' Jackson hummed. 'How are you all, Jackie?'
'Your parents are fine, don't worry, Jinyoung is fine too, he was out with a guy but they hid somewhere, can't remember now, Mark is still calming down, when all ended he was just startled but began to cry his eyes out and hug me saying how much he loves me and stuffs like this.'
'And you? I know you always want to be brave and because of this you get hurt mostly of the times.'
'Yeah...I hurt my shoulder, a son of a fucking bitch tried to shoot my baby Mark and I didn't let him, but Mark is safe so I barely feel the pain.'
'Oh Jackie...' Jaebum walked out from the bathroom all fresh up and Youngjae stared at him realizing how handsome he was with wet hair.
'I have to take you, Jae-ah, your mother is freaking out...oh one more thing, king Minho thought it was better to move, so they moved already, in secret, of course, so I have to take you for them to the new house.'
'They moved? Dad really did this? I am shocked!'
'Yeah now tell me the address.' Jaebum sat on his bed and stared at Youngjae.

"Bummie I...I have to go now." Youngjae said putting his phone down, Jaebum nodded.

"I take you..."

"No no, you don't have to, someone is coming to take me." the older frowned folding his arms in front of his chest.

"Someone...who?" he asked dangerously calmly.

"Someone...that I trust, you don't have to worry, I will give him your address and he will come for me, okay?" He nodded again and Youngjae smiled telling Jackson the address.

"Will you be okay alone?" Jaebum said pulling Youngjae to sit on his lap, the prince blushed and nodded.

"I'm not going to be alone, I'm going to see my parents and stay with them, I am so worried, the city was a chaos thirty minutes ago."

"That's why I'm worried JaeJae, I don't want you outside while these fucking bitches are attacking everyone, I want you safe and with me." Youngjae giggled and Jaebum squeezed his thighs.

"The guards of royalty and police already took them, it's all okay outside, I will be safe, but this time not with you." Jaebum pouted.

"But I wanted to sleep with you for some minutes at least!" He said like a whiny baby making Youngjae roll his eyes.

"Oh for goodness sake Jaebum, act like your age! We already pass so much time together, don't you think that's enough?"

"You really wanna know?" Youngjae gasped as Jaebum pulled him closer and soon he was sat on... On Jaebum's bulge. "I don't think it's enough, I want to be with you all the fucking time, Youngjae." He leaned forward just to leave little and totally not pure kisses on Youngjae's neck. "I want to kiss your lips all the time." He said squeezing his thighs again. "My body wants to be like this with yours all the time." He said giving a little and almost, I said A-L-M-O-S-T imperceptible thrust on Youngjae ass, the younger's mouth just got dry but then they suddenly heard a car horn.


"Why are you so red, Jae-ah?" Jackson asked as he drive to the temporary mansion of the king and queen.

"No-nothing, it's just, don't you think today is too hot?" The older frowned.

"Actually is pretty cold today, what happened to you? Do you have fever?" He placed a hand on Youngjae's forehead.

"No, I'm fine, Jackie, where is Mark?"

"Oh he is with auntie, you know how she loves him so when she saw he was trembling she glued to him, uncle Minho is taking care of them, he seems like a guard, you know, he is super worried and startled now." Youngjae sighed.

"And... And Jinyoung?"

"He didn't called you yet?" Youngjae shaked his head and he narrowed his eyes. "His battery must have died, I called him earlier and he said he was fine and was with someone, he asked about you and then he said he would call you as fast as possible." Youngjae hummed and bit his lip as they finally arrived in the big mansion, the guards let Jackson pass and even if Youngjae was inside the car, they bowed quickly and soon closed the big gate.

"Mama?" Youngjae said out loud as they stepped in the mansion, he looked around and soon his body was lifted up.

"My Youngjae!" Minho said holding his son so tight in his arms, he was just so fucking worried that Youngjae was not with them and could be in risk outside.

"Papa!" He said happily, soon the king pulled out and asked with concerned eyes.

"Are you okay? Did someone hurt you? Were you safe?" Youngjae sighed.

"I'm fine, I'm not hurt, and I was completely safe, now, where is my mama?" Minho smiled.

"She was freaking out without you, I thought I was going to freak out too because of her, she is in the kitchen trying to eat something and get her energy again, Mark is with her, go there, I'm gonna talk with your cousin." Youngjae nodded and followed the direction his father told him.

"Mama?" Sunmi turned so fast and walked towards her son, she hugged him so tight that he got slightly out of breath.

"Are you okay honey?"Her sweet voice sounded and Youngjae smiled nodding.

"And you?"

"Oh I'm fine, just trying to make Mark eat something since I already realized I am totally not hungry, he has to eat but doesn't want to! " Youngjae looked at Mark who was sat on the counter with his head down, Youngjae signaled for his mom to leave them alone and she nodded giving him a kiss on his forehead.

"Markie?" He said softly and the teary boy looked to him, he climbed down the counter and walked towards Youngjae hugging him tight and crying his eyes out. "It's okay, I'm here with you now, huh? Stop crying please." He said caressing the boy's back as he was slowly stopping crying.

"I-I was so afraid!" He said and Youngjae nodded pulling out of the hug.

"I know, brother, but now I'm here and you are safe, I'm not going to leave you again." He said with a cute smile, Mark nodded, he was practically adopted by the royal family as his parents leave him for the second time when he was 6,Youngjae and him grew together and treat each other like blood brothers.

"I was afraid I was going to lose you, lose Jack, and, I-I was so afraid I was going to lose my little baby bean."

"I know, but you're not going to lose anyone, okay? In the way down here I was thinking... It would be better if you go live with me in my apartment, you and Jackie, it would be safer for you and the baby, and, I would be so happy to live with you again, the apartment is pretty big and I'm mostly of the time alone." Mark sniffed.

"Are you sure?" Youngjae nodded smiling.

"Please come live with me, I would be so happy and less stressed and worried, I promise I will take care of you and don't let anything happen, do you accept?" He nodded after thinking a little, it would be really safer for him since nobody knew Youngjae. "Great!" The prince giggled.


I'm sorry guys for updating late
Also, drama is coming
And he is a big guy with muscles that loves to hurt people's feelings

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