Thirty Nine

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Youngjae was scared.
Jaebum was concerned.
The prince was crying because of the pain that the ropes were causing him, he was crying because he wanted Jaebum.
The CEO was fuming and panting, he didn't even felt the pain when they hit him to stop moving, he just wanted Youngjae.

"W-why are you doing this?!" The prince yelled and his hair were pulled with so much force.

"Shut the fuck up or I kill you." A manly voice sounded close to his ear, his body started to tremble and he cried harder.

"I swear to God if you don't let me go I'm going to kill you all merciless!" Jaebum said being punched again.

"Yeah sure, oh I am so afraid of Im Jaebum." one of the men mocked him and the others laughed.
After long minutes of pain, tears, rage and fear, they finally reached somewhere, Jaebum and Youngjae were threw out the cars in the same moment, the prince shouted in pain as his head hit a stone, Jaebum got startled and realized his lover was just some steps away.

"Youngjae!" He shouted trying to get up, Youngjae teary eyes found Jaebum and he almost smiled, almost, because he was pulled up by his hair again. "LET HIM GO! LET HIM GO YOU BASTARD!" Jaebum shouted being kicked on the stomach.

"Shut up!"

"Hey princess, wanna have fun?" A man said to Youngjae who tried to free himself, he couldn't, he was feeling weak and the man was strong as hell.

"No! You know what that piece of shit said, don't touch the fragile one." The man huffed and threw Youngjae on the ground again, he shouted, his body was hurting so much.

"Walk, little bitch!" One of the men said kicking Youngjae's rips, Jaebum yelled trying to get closer to Youngjae, but he couldn't, he was being held by four men, yes, four, Jaebum was THAT strong that four fucking men had to hold him.

"If you don't stop being a fucker I swear to God I kill him right in front of you, he isn't that important for us." A man whispered for Jaebum who stopped moving. "Good boy! Now walk!" He said pushing Jaebum towards the big house.

"Youngjae!" Jaebum said stopping as he reached the prince who was still on the floor, he looked up for the guy that was hurting his baby and gritted his teeth. "Stop.hurting.him!"

"Make me." He said mocking, Jaebum growled and in a distraction moment, freed himself and jumped on the man, making him fall, Jaebum punched his face so many times till it was bleeding so much and finally the other men took him off.

"Get your little bitch and let's go." One of the men said pushing Jaebum to Youngjae, the older knelled down and his eyes got teary, Youngjae was hurt, bleeding, afraid and crying. He slowly and softly took the boy in his arms.

"Bummie...." He mumbled trying to keep awake, it was just too much for him to bare, Jaebum followed the men inside but never taking his eyes off Youngjae.

"It's okay now baby, I got you, okay? I'm going to protect you, my precious boy." He whispered giving Youngjae a tired smile, the prince couldn't be awake anymore so he blacked out making Jaebum want to kill everyone in that fucking house. They took the couple to the back of the house.


"Bummie?" Youngjae muttered as he finally woke up, Jaebum was holding him in his lap like if Youngjae was his baby that needed protection.

"Oh thank God JaeJae, it's been hours already, how are you feeling baby?" Youngjae moved but winced and stopped.

"My arms hurt, my head hurt, my back, everything hurts...but I am with you, so it's more bearable." Jaebum nodded caressing Youngjae's face.

"I promise I'm going to take us out and away from here, okay? Just trust me." Youngjae nodded but as his eyes adjusted to the lack of light, he gasped.

"Bummie what happened to your face?!" He asked worried seeing Jaebum lips cut, his bone cheek bruised, one more cut next to his eyes.

"They didn't wanted to let me stay with you, so I had to almost kill one of them to be here, but don't worry, I don't feel any pain." Youngjae shaked his head getting teary again, he moved till he was sat on Jaebum's lap.

"Jaebum, I don't want to be here! I don't want they close to us, I don't want them hurting you, I want to come back home, I-I want my family." Jaebum almost panicked as the boy was begging to panting to breath and cry.

"Baby! Baby calm down!" Youngjae shook his head and got up even feeling his body burn because of the pain. "Youngjae stop!" He said desperate getting up to as the boy began to hit his own chest.

"I... I want to get out!" He yelled and Jaebum nodded.

"I know, now stop hurting yourself, please baby, I need you." He said reaching the boy and hugging the crying prince. They got startled as the sound of the door reached their ears.

"Aaww how cute you two are." A known voice for Jaebum sounded making him freeze.

"BamBam?!" He yelled pulling out the hug and facing the smirking boy next to the door.

"Correct! Did you miss me, my dear brother in law?"

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