Sixty Eight

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"Jinyoung, are you sure?" Yugyeom asked, his eyes being full of concern while he carefully helped Jinyoung to sit in his hospital bed.

"I am fine, I told you." He says looking up and seeing the younger biting his lips. "I just need to go home, Yugyeom." Yugyeom looks down and Jinyoung lift his chin up softly. "What's the matter?"

"Maybe we s-should go on a trip?" Jinyoung lift his eyebrows but soon understand the situation.

"I will not leave you, Yugyeom, we are together now, you are my boyfriend and I am yours." He ignored the pain through his body and got up, cupping Yugyeom's face. "You are mine." He whispered, their faces not even an inch from each other.

"I am afraid." Yugyeom mumbled, their noses touching and their hot breath mixing, Jinyoung smiled softly.

"You don't have to be, I promise nothing will separate us. In the end this car crash helped me, because I can now see you clearly, there's nothing more in my mind but you." Yugyeom's breath got rapid as Jinyoung held him by his waist.

"And Y-Youngjae?"

"He is my best friend, my youngest brother, that's all."

"You promise?"

"I do."


"Jaebum stop!" Youngjae said, his eyes full of tears while his lips formed a pout.

"So say the magical phrase." Youngjae shook his head and began to laugh loud again as Jaebum's fingers went back to his tummy, tickling him. The man's lips forming a big smile hearing that beautiful sound.

"OKAY OKAY!!!! YOU ARE THE MOST HANDSOME MAN ALIVE AND I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING!" The prince shouted breathing deeply as Jaebum stopped and hovered over him.

"Thank you, baby." He says and steals a kiss, Youngjae smiles and pull him to lay by his side. "I am tired." Jaebum mumbles and Youngjae nods closing his eyes.

"I am too, we should go sleep." As soon as Youngjae says it, his phone rings, he take it and frown seeing Mark's name, it was nearly 3AM.

'Mark? What happened?'
'Youngjae I need help.' Mark cried out sobbing, Youngjae widened his eyes and Jaebum sat down looking with concern at his boyfriend.
'What is happening??! Where's Jackson?!'
'H-he's in the castle, I-I'm in our apartment a-and AAH!'
'It hurts so much, please h-help me.' Youngjae got up fast looking for his shoes. 'I don't want to lose my baby.' He mumbled and Youngjae's heart clenched, the six month pregnant boy's words hitting him hard.
'You won't! Keep calm I'm already on my way!' He ended the call and ran around Jaebum's room, looking for his damn shoes.

"JaeJae, what happened?"

"Mark is in pain! We need to take him to the hospital he can't lose his baby!" Jaebum nodded and soon they were in their way.

"Should I call Jackie?"

"Wait for us to be there, okay?" Youngjae nodded and looked out the window, his heart beating fast and his hands sweating. Some minutes later they were in the building, Youngjae and Jaebum ran in.

"I will go in the stairs and you wait for the elevator so we can take him down!" The prince said bursting upstairs, he ran and ran and just some seconds later he opened his apartment door, panting and sweating. "MARK!" He called, Mark showed up then, his hand in his belly and his face completely drenched in tears.

"Youngjae." He cried and Youngjae ran to him helping him to stand. "It hurts so much, I'm afraid of losing her."

"I-it's a girl?" Mark nodded closing his eyes as one more painful wave hit him. "You won't lose her, I promise, Jaebum is waiting for us, let's go." He helped the boy out the apartment and closed the door, Jaebum showing up in front of the elevator 2 seconds later, they entered and Jaebum couldn't say a single word, his thought going back to his mom's miscarriage before she had Yugyeom.

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