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Jade Alice Wolfe sat alone during gym class, humming a snatch of "Romantic Streams" to herself as she looked around. None of her classmates seemed to care about her, and she didn't much care about them.

But one particular group she was keeping her eyes on were 3 shady students in her school, Tyler Drew, Trysten Lawrence, and Sasha Lawrence. Though it was rare that she'd catch them, she noticed occasionally they were looking at her.

Their stares sent chills down her spine when she saw them.

But for now, with her music, she didn't feel like she needed to watch them, and was instead watching out for basketballs, which one just hit the bleachers above her head with a loud BANG!

"Hey! Watch it, someone's here, you know!" she snapped at Austin, who was the one who threw the basketball. She knew it was ok to yell at him, since she was a good distance from the nearest goal.

Austin grumbled, and carried his basketball away.

Feeling a bit victorious, Jade relaxed and sat back in her place on the bleachers, closing her eyes and allowing her mind to wander, now vocally singing the song she had been humming.

"~My arms can't hold you~, my eyes can't see you~, and I can't hear your voice~, now i'm alone~."

A new voice startled her as she finished.

"You have a nice voice, now I see why people ask why you're not in chorus." It was the voice of Tyler Drew, the leader of the three students.

Jade's eyes shot open, and the three were sitting next to her. Her heartbeat was picking up. She didn't like their expressions, not one bit, especially not when Sasha laughed at her terrified one.

"We have a little dare for you, Jade," Tyler started with a smirk, drawing Jade's attention to him. "You know that old abandoned studio down on main street? That one with rumors told that those who come in, never leave?"

Jade swallowed nervously as she nodded slowly.

"How about you go in there and investigate for us? You seem tough, we figured 'hey, let's see if Jade will make it back out!'"

"But. . . I know for a fact you're stronger than I am. . ." Jade piped up nervously, but was silenced by Trysten.

"There's still the risk of not coming back, though. We see you alone most all the time, who would even miss you if you vanished?"

Jade felt a jolt of pain in her heart in these words.

"Meet us at the Studio at 5 in the morning." Tyler nodded like it was a done deal, making the other two smile and Jade felt dismayed.

"That means 5, Wolfe. Got it?" Jade quickly, but nervously nodded. The trio was satisfied, and they got up and left Jade alone.

Oh no. . . I should have known they were watching for a reason. . . Jade thought, dreading the next day, for if the rumors were true, she wouldn't be coming back.  

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