Chapter Twenty Four

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The haunted house started making noises, threatening roars and growls as well as almost maniacal sounding laughter. She took a second to look up at it, see the now moving eyes above it before shaking her head, determination surging through every tired step she took as she entered. There were carts on the inside, looking like either Bendy, Boris or Alice Angel. The one on the tracks waiting for her to use was of Boris, complete with a tail, ears and a muzzle on it. She took a seat inside, seeing that was the only option other than just stand there. Looming wooden doors blocked her way forward with a skull on the middle of it, and she had nowhere near the strength or endurance at the moment to push on them to potentially open the door.

As she got sit down and situated in the cart, the arm to secure her in lowered. She didn't get the time to get her arms out of the way before they were pinned. The arm itself jabbed her uncomfortably.

"And now the ride truly begins, Jade. Come in and pretend it's all just a horrible dream." Alice's voice spoke up as the cart began to move, the heavy wooden doors ahead opening. The area ahead looked a bit creepy and foggy, the walls occasionally having painted gaps in stone looking bricks with eerie looking eyes peering in. As she rounded the corner and kept going further in, a cardboard ghost popped up behind a tombstone, startling Jade.

"It's a funny thing, how so much can fall apart so fast." As she spoke, the cart traveled underneath a leaky ink pipe, which Jade was pinned in the cart and could not avoid it. She hissed as searing agony pulsed through her face and shoulder injuries. Just before Alice started speaking again, a skeleton popped up suddenly from behind another tombstone, scaring Jade once more.

"We never really had control of the studio, either you were being put into someone's pocket, or you were putting someone into yours." Yet another skeleton popped up, and as the cart rolled past she could see the glare painted onto the cardboard cutout. She could then see a familiar shadow up ahead.

Boris! There you are, I finally found you! Just gotta. . . get out of this cart! She started struggling against the arm pinning her in, making Alice laugh at her efforts, especially when they ceased when she saw that all the shadow came from was a Boris plushie.

"I just wanted what was promised to me. I just wanted to be beautiful! Surely you, of all, could understand that!" Alice took another chuckle before speaking again. "Wolfieeee~. . . why are you here? We're all dying to find out. Do you just enjoy the terror of the descent into madness? Because if that's the case. . . hang on tight, I've got a surprise~!"

The cart was just coming to round another corner as a set of wooden doors opened. The arm pressed, forcing some of the air out of her exhausted body as a second consecutive set of wooden doors opened. This revealed quite the large room with many paintings on the walls, each of them having glowy eyes. Music started to play, a mix of various string instruments resonating through the room giving an eerie vibe. She looked around at the large room as the music played to see many sandbags and tables as well as one of those machines she'd found at the chasm, which in her mind she called ink printers. The trip around the room was rather long and felt slow, but finally, she made it to the other door inside the room. As it opened, it revealed a wall of pitch black darkness. She felt a shudder of bad feelings, making her struggle to try and escape, but she had neither the strength nor the energy to make any progress toward escape. Then the cart drew ever closer, heading into the darkness. She could only see the rim of the cart in front of her.

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