Chapter Five

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As she looked around the hallway, she decided her best course of action was to backtrack and see if anything was there before her mind could assume there was nothing, and she would have already noticed. She picked up humming again, trying to get her mind off her stresses.

Over the years, she had learned music was a wonderful coping mechanism, and she hoped now would be no different.

She soon found herself walking back toward the Ink Machine room, to see if anything would be in there of all places. Again, the massive machine loomed over the teenager as she stared at it. She couldn't help but be absolutely amazed at how a seemingly abandoned place would have such a large machine, and all of it just be left behind.

Maybe there's some kind of reason it all got left. . . This thought only attracted more curiosity as to what the machine did. She looked around on the deck and went toward the shelves she mostly left alone before. The shelves proved to have nothing on the pictures unless a giant paint cans worth of ink or the occasional candle counted, but the chest proved different. There, plain as day, was a large, heavy looking metal gear.

"Well there's one, maybe I should just go ahead and carry this back on its own." Jade murmured to herself, reaching down for the gear. It proved to be even heavier than it looked, and she had trouble lifting it.

Finally, after a minute and a few grunts of effort, Jade had it out of the chest. She decided to work smart, and placed the gear down, attempting to roll it along the way instead of fighting gravity with her not so great upper body strength. Rolling it was working much better than carrying it would have, and after a bit of time, she made it back to the main power room. Now came the hard part.

"Come. . . on!" Jade grunted with effort as she lifted the gear. She gritted her teeth, finally getting it off the ground and slowly getting it higher. After a minute of effort, she let out the air she was holding in as it hit the pedestal with the picture of a gear behind it with a loud thud. "Take that, you hunk of metal!" Jade smiled triumphantly at her victory over the inanimate object.

She jumped as she was startled by a light loudly clicking on over the no longer empty pedestal, but after getting over that, she smiled at it

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She jumped as she was startled by a light loudly clicking on over the no longer empty pedestal, but after getting over that, she smiled at it.

She turned to go and find the other objects, leaving the gear behind. She just hoped they weren't as heavy as said metal object. She made sure to not look at the Boris corpse again, not wanting to remind herself of what it looked like, not noticing the cutout which had previously startled her was now gone.

Along her route of backtracking, she noticed a door was cracked open that wasn't before. Hmm? What opened this door? She thought as she approached the door slowly. Nothing seemed to be around, so she pushed the door open with a "hello?" No reply voiced itself, but what was revealed looked like a break room, complete with another Bendy cutout at the bottom of the stairs, a few tables and chairs, a punch in station, and even a dart board.

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