Chapter Twenty Five

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Much to the hatred of her, Jade woke up a while later in what felt like a soft bed. The air was cold, chillingly cold. Jade shivered a bit as the cold bit at her, she herself realizing she had no blanket. Everything ached from exhaustion and pain.

What happened. .? last I checked I didn't do anything to hurt this bad when I got to the safe house. . . where's the blanket anyway? Jade thought as she did her best to conserve the warmth she had. Suddenly she stopped shivering with widened eyes as she could hear humming, coming from a female voice.

Is that. . . Alice?! Jade sat up, though slowly to avoid as much agony as she possibly could. The humming was higher in tone than she recalled Alice having, but other than Jade herself, Alice was the only female she had come across. . . unless. . . No, that was just a dream, right? Boris is still alive, he has to be. Looking around after sitting up, she realized that this was not the safehouse, but instead she was being held captive. She was terrified about it at first, but as more came back to her, she understood.

It's for the best, I'm a monster, keep yourself safe. She stood up, walking over to the boarded up doorway keeping her inside only to not see Alice, but instead the angel who had saved her from Alice. She was the source of the humming, Jade soon figured out. She listened for a moment before she picked up on some of the familiarity of the song. "I. . . I know that song." She spoke up.

"Everyone knows that song." The angel replied without looking at her. "Who are you? Why are you here?" As she asked these questions, she turned her head to look at Jade.

"My name is Jade Alice Wolfe, I was dared by a few students in my school to come here as part of a dare. . . now I can't leave." She replied, noticing her bookbag on the outside of her cell on the table by the angel.

"Well, you sure know more than we do. One minute, we don't even exist. Just. . . thoughts. The next minute. . ." She paused and motioned around. "This place."

Jade wasn't sure about asking this question as the angel turned away from her again, messing with the wall once more, but finally, she found the words. "Are you going to let me out of here?"

"Down here, strangers aren't good things. How can we trust you? We don't even know what you are."

The angel's words stung, but she knew they were true. "I understand. . . it's for safety. You have a fair point." She sniffled, voice cracking a bit as she spoke. "I told you my name, what's yours?"

The angel paused. "I. . . I honestly don't know my name. So, they call me Alice." Jade tensed. "But I'm no angel."

"Alice doesn't seem like the kind of name that fits you." Jade commented.

Alice looked at her with a curious expression. "Then what do you suggest?"

Jade thought for a moment before replying, since she had never exactly been the best at names. "Uhh. . . what about. . . Allison?" She sounded almost nervous like she was afraid Alice wouldn't like the name.

"Allison. . . I like it." Jade smiled, relieved. "You go back and rest, we'll talk again later."

"I'm not that tired." Jade replied after a second, a bit nervous of what Allison would do if she contradicted. In truth, she was tired, she just didn't want to sleep. She wanted to keep talking, keep things off her mind.

"You passed out from exhaustion after a big fight. I doubt after a short nap you'd be feeling at top shape." Allison approached a few feet closer to get a bit of a better look. "And you don't look at top shape, you still look quite beat up. Just try to get some sleep." After saying this, she got back to what she had been doing before.

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