Chapter Four

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No manual of any kind revealed itself in the Ink Machine room, so Jade turned back the way she came in to try and find one.

"That's weird, this gate wasn't open before, was it?" She questioned to herself, looking at the gate which had previously been shut tight. "I wonder what opened it, unless the generator's connected to this gate too" She shrugged and proceeded through it.This new way lead into a fork in the hall, going left or right, and she couldn't see too far into either direction, but to the left, she did see a few shelves, one of which having some kind of can on it, and a wall with a hole in it. To the right was a door, and some kind of gate which a Bendy cutout was leaning on. Which way should I go? One more time, she glanced right and left before settling on going to the right.

The first thing she did was try to open the door, which proved to be locked.

Well that was pointless, what else is here? There was a way around the gate holding the cutout up, and right there was a desk with a blank piece of paper.

Tempting, I might come back and draw later, who knows?

Beyond the desk, walking through the hall, she froze as a board suddenly fell from the ceiling, startling her.

What caused that? She glanced left, right and behind her for a possible culprit, and found none. Shrugging, Jade walked around the board and decided to go right again without sparing the left a glance, chuckling to herself that she was 'adding her rights together'. Perhaps this was the right way to go, because this lead her to some kind of power room.

Inside this power room was six pedestals, three on either side, and a lever of some kind on the other side. In the dim light, Jade could see a sign beside the lever flashing LOW PRESSURE.

Alright, pressure, something I know a thing or two about! She thought to herself as she approached the sign and lever to examine them. There was nothing else really important by those things, but turning back around, she noticed pictures behind the pedestals, which she hadn't noticed from the doorway.

What are those for?

The paintings showed depictions of certain items, all in black, showing some kind of plushie, a set of eighth notes, an ink bottle, a wrench, a gear, and a book.

Maybe these items are important for something? Maybe I should find them and figure it out.

With one last glance around, Jade left the room, humming a song to herself. Her song soon came to a stop when she left the main power room, she immediately got startled by a Bendy cutout standing right in her path. She noticeably jumped, taking a sharp gasp, but then let out a sigh of relief. "Who put this here? Are they still here?" Jade asked herself, and then raised her voice. "Hello? Anyone here?" No reply came to her ears. She shrugged, and walked around the cut out. . . only to stop when she saw something horrifying.

Oh god! What happened to him?!

She was staring at the gutted corpse of Boris the wolf, her expression reflecting her horror. Yet, despite it being the last thing she wanted to do, something in her forced her to approach him, each slow step making her legs feel shakier. Finally, she was in the same room as the dead toon, able toon see the gaping hole in his chest, missing heart and lungs allowing her to even see his spine, or, she would have been able to see it if not for a wrench being in the way. The chilling whispers in the room only adding to all the fear piling up on Jade's shoulders.

Oh no. . . why is the wrench in there? Why is he even here? What happened to him?

She then felt her shaking legs start to bend, making herself slowly sink to the ground.

No, I should run! I need to get out of here!

As a reply, her legs collapsed, leaving her on the ground. She wanted to get up, but she had to admit to herself, this was terrifying. The next question that came to her mind was, is whoever did this still here?!

After a couple minutes and finally calming down enough for her legs to want to function, she stood up with shaky legs and looked at the wrench. She remembered one of the frames was of a wrench. Oh no. . . am I going to have to get out of his chest?

Something deep inside was telling her she would, whether she liked it or not.

She decided to save that particular dirty job for later, looking around the rest of the room. She once again froze, a chill creeping down her spine when she saw the message written in ink on the wall. Who's laughing now?

This is just wrong! I want out of this place!

She decided to step out of the room, turning her back to the corpse before she lost whatever was left of last night's dinner. She had lost any appetite she had racked up for breakfast, so she was at least saving food.

She shook her head. There was nothing positive about that corpse, her mind decided as she took a right into the hall.

(Hey everyone, Wolfy here! Sorry about the lack of update, especially since I'm probably a couple weeks late on that art contest now. I had writer's block, and I figured the best way to announce the winner was with a new chapter. Until next chapter, take care my dear Trial-goer


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