Chapter Three

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Turns out, behind Jade was another room, which startled her by existing. Her curiosity got the better of her, and she walked into the newly discovered room. It was a bit open, most of it being down a couple steps, with two desks with drawings of Bendy on them, as well as a Bendy cutout. She stood on the upper part of the room, which felt more like a deck of some kind, and some box like contraption could be heard ticking quietly as machines ran inside of it. She walked over to the stairs to go down, and get a better look at the rest of the room, and she approached the closest of the two desks, in the corner of the room.

Unlike Henry's desk, it had no label. On this desk was a drawing of Bendy, who looked unimpressed, which made Jade chuckle. "What's gotten on your nerves?" she asked the drawing, and got no reply. She left the drawing alone and went to the other desk, which had another drawing of Bendy on it. This was the one with a Bendy cutout standing next to it with its same grin. This Bendy drawing featured the toon demon running away from something unseen on the paper.

Well this was pointless, Jade thought with a huff, and then turned to leave the room, only sparing a glance to the boarded up room in the corner.

She got back to the main lobby, which was just how she left it, and then she noticed a second hallway leading from it, catching a glance at some kind of poster hanging on the wall. She was far sighted, but couldn't quite make out its writing, so curiosity once more got the better of her. When approaching the sign, she figured out where she was was the Art Department of the studio, but one particular thing on the sign perplexed her. The one just below the Art Department read in bold letters Ink Machine.

What the heck is an Ink Machine? Should I want to find out? Know what, since i'm in here, why the heck not?

She followed where the sign read to go, to the right of the poster. The first thing she saw as she turned to the right was written in ink.

Dreams come true.

What on Earth? Why was that put there? After taking a look at it for a minute, Jade continued on walking down the hallway.

She hesitated when she heard music, and saw light illuminating under one of the doors.

Is someone else here? Experimentally, she knocked on the door. "Hello? Someone in there?" No answer. She tried opening the door, only to figure out it was locked. She knocked again, a bit louder now. "Hello?" Again, no answer. Only the music.

She shrugged, and kept going beyond this door, and whatever lied inside of it. Down the hall, she saw a sign which read Ink Machine, so Jade assumed she was going the right way. The area to the left of this hall, she saw on the way, was gated off, with no hopes of her strength being able to open it.

I hope this is the right way to that Ink Machine thing. She thought for a moment, staring at the gate before approaching where the sign lead, which had a poster.

Ink Output Schedule, the poster read. It seemed to show some T-chart of different amounts for the various days, but she couldn't much make out the old faded writing. At the bottom right, there was a signature reading TC.

TC? I assume those are initials, but for who?

Taking a right turn, she saw some ink splattered under a pipe, as well as a danger sign, and a watch your step sign.

Should I be worried? Well. . . no one's here to power up the machine, if it's function is dangerous.

She ignored the signs, and leapt easily over the pipe which blocked her way.

The next room her exploration lead to was a balcony looking over a huge space, with many chains descending into darkness further than she could see. Out of curiosity, she pulled out her flashlight, and shined it into the darkness to attempt to see how far down it went. It didn't shine down very far, and this only revealed more darkness down below. She looked around the balcony to see what else was there. To the right was some kind of lift mechanism, and what looked like a generator missing it's power source, and to the left was a chest, some shelves with a battery looking block on it, and the typical Bendy cutout, looking out toward the empty space.

That looks like a power source to me, but the generator looks like it needs two. Jade walked over to pick up the first one, and took a closer look at it before going back over to the generator. She inserted the battery into its slot.

It fit perfectly with a click, and made the generator start making a gentle humming noise.

Perfect! Now I have to find one more. . . she looked around the rest of the room, and after not finding anything, she looked to the chest and opened it. There was the other battery, sitting there, waiting for her. She picked it up and walked back over to the generator and inserted it into the remaining slot.
The humming got a bit louder as she inserted this battery, and the light on the lever next to it began flashing, letting her know it was now live.

"Maybe now i'll figure out what's down there." Jade said to herself, with almost an excited smile. She pulled the lever down.

The room began to rumble, startling Jade a bit as chains started to clack, moving something from the dark depths upward. She leaned over the balcony to get a better look at what was coming, and soon enough, the large machine lifted into her sights. It was huge, with a few gears and many complex looking mechanisms on it, as well as a nozzle and some kind of filter looking contraption on the front of it.

Jade was staring in awestruck wonder at the massive machine in front of her. The strike of curiosity never failed to show up, and now was no exception.

So this is the Ink Machine? I wonder how you'd turn it on. . .

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