Chapter Twenty One

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Proceeding forward into the hallway beyond the metal door Jade once again picked up pace into a run, only to skid right back to a stop when another vision overcame her senses. Once again the high winds blew through the room as the orange tinge swept through the room and many clawed inky arms reached through the walls in attempts to snag her. She let out a yelp of terror before turning her body sideways to avoid the arms, seeing as their reach came pretty close. Even with this added distance, they were too close to comfort, too close to adding more injuries or further hurting the ones she already had. When turning sideways, she noticed her arms looked a little off. It didn't take much further examination to see that her hands were ink covered, just like when she had lost control, and her hands ended with clawed fingertips.

Her eyes widened, and she tried moving her hand. The clawed ink covered hand responded to the commands. This made her eyes widen, and as this happened the vision suddenly ended. Everything was normal once again, including her arm.

What was that?! She tried moving her arm again to find that everything was normal once again. She looked incredibly disturbed, eyes slightly widened as the whispers picked up slightly once more. She shook her head. Now was not the time to get focused on that, she needed to save Boris. She needed to hurry.

She picked up to a run, which only became unpleasant as the Ink Machine made its presence known, lowering in the shaft ahead. Her breath became shaky as her heart beat harder, pounding like a hammer on a nail. By the time she had gotten to the shaft, the Ink Machine had passed and her heart was starting to calm back down when a certain angel made her presence known.

"I see you there, my little errand girl. Your angel always keeps her eyes out." To Jade's angry and disturbed look came a malicious chuckle in reply. "Just what is it that keeps you going? The thrill of the hunt? The thirst for your freedom? Or perhaps. . . you're looking for a precious friend of yours? A little, friendly. . . wolf."

Now Jade was terrified, running up the stairs as quickly as she could, feeling the ink running down her arms once more. Alice replied with a much more malicious laugh.

"Better hurry, Jade Wolfe. Boris is having trouble staying in one piece."

Boris no! I'm coming to save you, hang on! Please don't die on me! Jade mentally pleaded as she got up the stairs. She didn't give herself a chance to rest after all the running up the stairs and it was wearing down her already exhausted body. She didn't care, however, she was too afraid of her friend dying because she took a rest.

The next room she came upon after opening a door made her stop running. The sounds of sad music resonated through it as she stepped in, and suddenly a creature stumbled out. She didn't recognize it, but knew all too well at the same time since the voices showed such recognition.

"He's going to find me, he always finds me! . . oh no!" It looked over the balcony and right at Jade, revealing bright orange glowing eyes. "I just want to go home. . . when do we go home? When do we go home?!" He walked away, sounding quite despaired and at the edge of tears.

You and I both, buddy. . . I want to go home too. . . but not without Boris. Though she had to shake off the emotions welling up inside her, she kept moving. Pushing her emotions back made the ink still creeping down her arms start to recede. She proceeded to the door, the only way forward in the room, only to freeze when she opened it.

Many pairs of glowing eyes met her brown ones, all of them looking like they had suffered too much to ever feel joy again. Just like those before them, however, they reacted to her eyes, taking steps back and cowering. They were. . . afraid?

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