#3 ZeYu||

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Title : Bestfriend

Word Count : 1003

{Your P.O.V}

Zeyu and I have been friends for a little over 5 years and I've always loved him but sadly he loves someone else.I don't know who it is because whenever I ask he just says that I know the person really well.The only person I can think of is one of our friends Nari because we are really close and she also sometimes hangs out with Zeyu and I.

I still love him even though he loves someone else. I'll always love him because he's my first love.

I was about to ring the doorbell but suddenly the door opened. Zeyu stuck his head out and giggled. His giggles always bring joy to my heart.

"You've been standing out there for a long time now" he said while flashing me one of his cute smiles.

"Come in" I did what he told me to. He gave me a long bear hug and I hugged back eventually we let go of each other.

I felt as if my heart was beating so hard that it would fall out of my chest. I decided to ask him a question so that he wouldn't become suspicious.

"Are your parents home right now?" I asked innocently. Zeyu's gaze turned dark.

I could see him smirk faintly. He came close to me and whispered in my ear,"Nope that means we can do it as loud as we want tonight"

"O my goodness Zeyu you're so dirty" He chuckled a bit then said,"What are you thinking about?" He tilted his head to the side slightly "I meant that we can play games and sing as loud as we want" I looked at him with an annoyed face

"You're the dirty one here for thinking of bad things"He said and I pouted a little "Okay I'm sorry but teasing you is really fun" He said while grinning widely.

I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter at his words. Zeyu teases me a lot by saying things like that and I will never get used to it ever. "Let me take you're bag upstairs" He said and I handed him my bag.

We were having a sleepover which wasn't since we had them ever since we were really little. My parents also weren't going to be in town for the next 2 days so it was the best option.

I went to the living room and sat on the couch waiting for Zeyu to come back so we could do something together. Zeyu finally got back and I asked him, "What took you so long?" He plopped down next to me on the couch."My dad called and he said that something came up so we're gonna be alone."

I blushed slightly and unfortunately Zeyu noticed it. "It's cute how you still get shy even though it's not the first time we're going to be home alone overnight." He said and chuckled.

"I-I'm not shy"I said while unintentionally stuttering. He laughed "whatever helps you sleep at night Y/N." Zeyu chimed

8 hours later ~ ~

We spent most of the day playing games, watching movies, eating junk food you know normal stuff.

It's now 10 pm and we're getting ready for bed."Goodnight Zeyu" "Goodnight Y/N"
We hugged each other before parting ways to separate rooms

{Zeyu's P.O.V}

I heard a light knock on my door. I checked the time on the clock on the wall. 3 am

I opened the door and saw a teary-eyed Y/N standing there."What happened to my sweet little Y/N?" She immediately hugged me. It hurt when I saw her cry.

"I had a bad dream *sniff*" 'aww that's so cute' I thought to myself. " Do you want to stay here until morning"

She nodded cutely.

We both got onto my bed and laid down next to each other. I decided to tease her as I usually do by backhugging her.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and backhugged her but she didn't say anything. 'I guess she really is scared'
I hugged her tighter

Her hair smells really good.

"Do you wanna tell me what the bad dream was about"

"W-Well in the dream you got a girlfriend and then you f-forgot about me and when I tried getting close to you again your girlfriend threatened me but you didn't care and I was left all alone and you lived happily with your girlfriend and didn't even think about me."

I hummed in response. That would never happen because I only want her to be my girlfriend. She's the only one that I've ever loved for 4 years.

"Don't worry that will never happen." I said knowingly.

"Do you promise you'll never leave me even if you get a girlfriend who's better than me?"

"Of course"'Should I confess now?'

I took a deep breath in and prepared myself.

"Listen Y/N I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time now but I think now is the right time."

"I've loved you for a really long time now and I wanted to ask if you'll be my girlfriend"

I could feel her body tense up.She remained quiet.

'Does she not love me back?, was I too stupid to think that she'd ever love someone like me? This was such a mistake now I've ruined our friendship forever it'll never be the same'

"I love you too Zeyu"

I couldn't believe the words that had just came out of her mouth right now.

"rEAlLy?!" I exclaimed

She turned around while still in my embrace and looked at me in the eyes

She kept starring at my lips and I kept starring at hers. I moved one hand to cup her cheek and the other stayed firmly on her tiny waist.

I then did something I never thought I'd get the chance to do. I gently placed my lips on hers and gave her a slow but loving kiss. I became even more joyful when I felt her kiss back with her soft full lips.

The End


So that's the end of my third story I hope you enjoyed it. Yeah I still don't know what the heck I'm doing with my life but I know something fun you can do so there's this star somewhere on this very page and if you press/click on it that will make someone really happy.

Okay fine I'm basically trying to say that you guys should just vote so I can live a happy peaceful life. I know this story is pretty crappy but it wouldn't hurt to vote if ya know what I'm saying.

Anyway bye~~


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