#12 MingRui||

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Title : The Prince and Princess

Word Count : 1101

Warning: the cringe is quite real in this one just saying


MinJi is an 18 year old princess and as she is the oldest girl child in her family she has to marry a prince before she turns 21. Her marriage has been planned for her ever since she was a child. She never even really wanted to have a powerful royal status 

but unfortunately she found out that the prince she is to marry is next in line to be a King. It sucks to not be able to fall in love with someone and then get married but she's known that she wouldn't get to experience those kinds of things from a young age.


"MinJi hurry up before mother gets angry." I groaned in annoyance and made my way to the line of cars waiting outside. "We're not even that late."

"But still, would you like your in-laws to have a bad first impression of you." I shrugged my shoulders and made my way inside the car where our mother sat.

Today we are going to be visiting my fiance who I will be seeing for the first time in my life. One of my sisters here, SuBin, has been bringing in fears about this marriage.

For example she would say, 'what if he rejects you' or 'what if he thinks you're ugly' sometimes even 'What if he has a girlfriend in secret and refuses to marry yo ugly a$$'

And my favourite 'what if he's the ugliest beast you've ever seen in your life and mother still forces you guys to get married '

It kind of makes me regret choosing her out of my three sister and two brothers to accompany me.

I watch the trees that pass and look at the beautiful scenery while trying to forget about whats happening.

I play with my necklace and smile remembering him, my childhood bestfriend. He gave it to me when I was nine and he has the other half of it.

He said I should wear it everyday and that one day he'll come back. Apparently he was a prince and had to focus on his royal duties so he started visiting less until one day he stopped coming entirely.

We would always joke about how we'd get married one day but I guess that won't happen anymore.

"Why are you so gloomy, big sis" I continued looking out the window and took in a deep breath. "How could I not be gloomy after all the possibilities you told me about."

She laughed, "Come on I was just kidding you're so beautiful and anyone who rejects you is mental." Her motivation made me smile. "thanks lil sis"

The car suddenly comes to a stop and mother says, "we've arrived and I expect that you two won't embarrass our family"

We both nodded immediately. Our mother can be scary sometimes but she's a real softie on the inside.

As soon as we stepped out a royal guard from their palace came to escort us inside. I noticed that this palace is HuGE.

When we got to a large room with beautiful furniture. Nothing too fancy but not too plain either. "Meredith how are you I haven't seen you in forever " a woman who looked around my mothers age stood up from her seat and came to hug my mother.

"I'm great, Elizabeth, how have you been?" They both giggled and sat down on one of the couches."I'm amazing"

SuBin and I just kept standing in shock. "D-did mother j-just. . . giggle." she whisper yelled to me. I nodded and continued to observe their weird behaviour.

"Girls sit down" We hesitantly sat on the the couch opposite of them. "So which one of you is the lucky girl marrying my son."

I felt SuBin nudge me causing me to snap out of my daze. "Ohhh it's me ma'am" she laughed

"No need to be so formal dear, just call me mum." After I flashed her a smile she continued to talk to my mother."I wonder what's taking him so long."

Just then the door opened revealing a tall handsome boy with entrancing eyes and a crown resting on the top of his head. (a/n-Why does this story seem so cringy to me even though I'm the one writing it.)

"Oh, MingRui you finally arrived." that name seems so familiar for some reason.

He looks at me, well more at my necklace. U stand up to formally greet him but before I can he pulls me into a hug.

'he smells so nice' wait what. Why am I reacting like this. I try to pull out of his hug but he only tightens his grip.

"Seems like he's already taken a liking to your daughter" my mother laughs and responds with, "I guess so."

When he pulls out of the hug he looks into my eyes and pushes a strand of hair behind my ear."I missed you, MinJi"

How does he know my name? Who is he ?

"I'm so sorry." he said making me more confused.

"Wow they still remember each other?" It looks like I'm the only one in the room who doesn't know what's going on, well besides SuBin.

"Who are you?" the question causes everyone to keep quiet. I could see the hurt flash in his eyes. It made me feel sad in a way.

His smile fades away."You d-don't remember me MinJi?", he says on the verge of tears. "It's all my fault."

I don't know why I feel so bad. He takes out something from his pocket and my eyes widen. The other half, he's my other half.

"GoUGOu!" I shout while crying into his chest alarming everyone in the room."How could you just leave me like that" My crying gets worse.

"You're so mean." I sniffle when he puts his hand on my cheek and caresses it gently.He wipes the tears from my face and kisses my forehead."I'm so sorry"

"That's why the wedding should be next week" My mother-in-law says "Fine yoU have a deal" my mother replies."WaiT WHAt?!"

"Didn't I tell you we were going to get married when we were younger."

I turn towards him, "Yeah but isn't it too soon." he simply smiles "If it's you I don't care when."

"I love you, MinJi" I feel myself blush "I love you too, MingRui" I hear the sound of a camera and see SuBin taking photos of us

"I'm soooooo telling the others about this." SuBin says."MingRui get closer so I can get a better shot"

The End

Requested by : ReincarnatedAsAStone


okay I know that the cringe was real  but like yeah wot can ya do. I feel like I'm sheet at doing requests so I'm really sorry to ReincarnatedAsAStone  for the shitty story. I don't know why my mind comes up with some of these things but yeah that's life I guess.

don't forget to vote and comment I don't know what you do but just do it.

But anyway bye ~~


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