#16 ZiHao||

463 18 15

Title : Bully

Word Count : 1610

I was walking through the hallways with my head down hoping no one was paying attention to me. It's not like I'm a nerd or anything but I still get bullied for some reason by a certain group of boys.

They've been doing it for nearly a year now and it's so painful. It's like no one cares, no one tries to help me. My thoughts are interrupted when I accidentally bump into someone. "S-sorry" I stutter while looking down.

"If it isn't my favourite person in the world, y/n." When I realize the voice my body instantly stiffens and I keep my head down. "W-what do y-you want from me?" It almost came out as a whisper. "Y/N that's no way to talk to someone older than you now is it, dear."

"Why can't you just leave me alone Xinlong" he laughs and moves closer to me. "It's not me Y/N it's Zihao, he can't get enough of your reactions."

"He loves seeing the way your body trembles infront of him, he's addicted to seeing you cry" (a/n: why does this sound so kinky. Okay imma stop now.)

He moves away from me and I glare at him. Xinlong pats my head then walks away.Would you believe that Xinlong is my cousin and also one of my bullies. Who knew that sweet little 6 year old would grow up to be a complete jerk.

I rush to my locker to take my textbooks. When I open it I find more threats written on the inside such as;

'Leave BOYSTORY alone they're MINE'


'How dare you get so close to Hanyu oppa'

If only they knew that what looks like simple teasing was actually the reason I dread coming to school every morning. They make me feel so small and useless.

*During Break*

I sat alone as usual at the back of the cafeteria. I only have one friend but she rarely ever comes to school because she's always sick.

Someone comes and sits next to me without saying a word. My fingers start shaking at the thought of it being one of them. Which one of them had come to torment me today. My heart sinks when I look up and see that it is Zihao who was smirking cockily at me.

"Did you miss me, Y/N?" His voice is still ringing in my ears after he spoke. "Please just leave me alone." Just as I'm about to pick up my phone and leave but he grabs my hands stopping me.

I noticed that my sleeves have rolled up exposing my wrists. I look down in horror and try to get out of his hold but I am too weak. Every ounce of me is hoping that he doesn't look down at them. He notices how I'm more anxious than usual.

Just to my luck he stares down at my wrists and immediately lets go of my hands after seeing them. His eyes widen in morbid fear and he doesn't say anything. "D-did you do that because of me" his voice is quiet and subtle. I just look down in embarrassment and shame.

And at that moment he does something I never thought he would ever do. He pulls me up and hugs me.

Now a lot of people are glancing at us in shock. Some are giving me glares and others were smiling. Needless to say that the other Boystory members sre just as shocked as I am.

"please don't hurt yourself because of me" he says in such a caring tone. But I wasn't one to believe him so easily. I pull out of his hug but he still holds onto my left hand. "Why can't you just leave me alone Zihao."

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