Hizashi Y. | Sure!

609 18 6

(for you uneducated swines, Hizashi Yamada is Present Mic)

[Quirk : Vibrate] ((youre shindou yo's older sister)) 

(((english is in italics and sign language is underline)))


You had waited for this moment your whole life: choose your hero name. It had always been your dream.

  You were always told you could never be a hero because you were deaf, but your Quirk made up for your misfortune. Your Quirk was Vibrate, allowing you to release vibrations where ever you touched. It allowed you to tell where people were, as you couldn't hear them. But still, you were sad that you were deaf.

  "Heyo, [name]!" Hizashi Yamada yelled from across the room, it slipping his mind that you were deaf.

  "Yamada, she's deaf you blundering idiot." Aizawa Shouta sighed. He went to slam his forehead but a small, soft hand stopped him from hurting himself. The hand lifted his head up and he was met with your [e/c] eyes.

  "You could have hurt youself!" You scolded, your hands flying as you communicated in Japanese sign language.

  "My very existence is hurting me." He said, not bothering to sign as he knew you read his lips.

  "Same." You agreed.

  A light tap brought you out of your conversation with the Sleepy Boi™. You turned around to see an ecstatic but loud blonde.

  Since Hizashi knew no sign language whatsoever, you 2 had decided to communicate through writing.

  "Your Hero name should be Vibrator( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" You read from the paper. It took you a moment to let the words sink in before you gasped and playfully slapped Hizashi on the shoulder.

  You couldn't hear it, but you could imagine the boisterous blonde laughing his guts out, seeing as he was clutching his stomach and doubled over and you continued to smack him with the rolled up paper.

  "Hizashi, Yo, shush!" The teacher commanded from behind their desk. You looked at Aizawa for a translation and he quickly relayed the message. A blush seeped onto your [s/c] cheeks as you sat down, you feeling your face burning in embarrassment.

  After almost 10 minutes passed, your classmates began sharing their hero names. After Aizawa went, your turn was next. You were a bit nervous, seeing as you were the last person. Aizawa stood up from his seat so he could translate if needed.

  'The Deaf Hero : Inspirante' Your board read.

  "Why.. that?" The teacher asked, unable to repeat your hero name. You looked at Aizawa and he quickly translated. You sighed, ready to give a long explanation. You quickly wedged the board in between your knees as you cracked your knuckles.

  "Inspirante is Latin for 'Inspiration'. From the research I've done, I will be one of the few heroes with a disability! I want to be an inspiration to younger disabled kids. I want to prove everyone wrong that because there is something wrong with you, mentally or physically, it doesn't mean that you can't do what you want to do!" You finished, hands aching. You looked at the teacher for a confirmation of your name, only to find him in tears.

  "T-That was so inspiring!" he sobbed. "I a-approve!" He said, blowing his nose. You cringed but smiled, walking back to your seat.


Aizawa, you, and Hizashi had an unspoken agreement to always walk with each after school. You usually walked backwards so you could lip-read them, and you used your Quirk to make sure you would run into nothing.

  "I really like your hero name, [name]! I think's its awesome!" He squealed, pointing at you.

  "Thank you, Present Mic." You mockingly signed with Aizawa translating.

  Hizashi faked a broken heart and he wiped away a fake tear.

  "How cruel, [name]."

  "Well, this is my stop. Bye and please don't text me." Aizawa said, straying from the both of you and into a small driveway.

  "Bye!/Adios, Shouta!"

  With your house a few minutes away, you decided to walk beside Hizashi. He never talked once Aizawa was gone, seeing as he had no translator.

  You arrived in front of your house and waved 'bye' to Hizashi, only to get it in a halfheartedly fashion. You quickly noticed that that was unlike Hizashi, but you brushed it off.

  You began to unlock your door when something tapped your shoulder. You turned around to face the loud Hizashi.

  You cocked your head as to say "what?".

  "[name]--" You read from his lips. He paused as if he was thinking.

  "Will go you on date with I?" He asked in broken sign language. You giggled but managed to piece it together. You could tell he was nervous for your answer, as you could see sweat on his forehead.



this took way too fucking long

and i hate it

also imma make a songfic(?) oneshot

because it is a great fucking song

and it sounds like itd fit dabi

also 810 words bitches

ciao boos

My Hero Academia [ONESHOTS]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora