Hizashi Y. | Sunshine

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here's the foreshadowing, bitch

also, i want to dedicate this chapter to my mom, dad, uncle, great aunt, grandpa, and stefan karl stefansson / robbie rotten . most of you are all strong people who survived cancer. but rip great aunt. you fought strong and hard. rip stefan. i grew up with you and i'll never forget you.


Hizashi Yamada was probably the most exotic and loud person in all of Japan. Hell, maybe even the world. But that all changed on that sad, depressing day. ((the day stefan karl died RIP. you'll always be #1 in my heart bb))

  "Okayyyyyyy! Who knows the answer to THIS!" He asked, loudly, pointing a finger at the board. "C'mon - don't be a silent student!" He lamely encouraged.

  As usual, both Iida Tenya and Yaoyorozu Momo raised their hands. Hizashi went to pick on one of them but was cut off by the emergency chime that set off his phone.

  His glasses fell off his face and his eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.

  "Hizashi-sensei?" Iida went to call out. "Are you feeling ill? If so, you should go see Reco-"

  He was cut off by Hizashi running to the door and sliding it open.

  "SHOUTA!" He screamed into the empty hallway, using his Quirk to amplify his voice. 

  Lucky for the blonde, Aizawa Shouta happened to be on the same floor when Hizashi called his name. Footsteps thudded towards the door as slid to meet Hizashi.

  "S-She's fading. I-I-I gotta go." He stammered out, looking scared and nervous.  Aizawa's face fell and he ushered his friend out of the room. "Get to her!" He screamed in reply as the loud blonde nodded and dashed down the hall.

  Aizawa stepped into the classroom, wiping away a stray tear and standing at the front of the classroom.

  "What's up with Hizashi-sensei?"

  "He sounded like he was crying..."

  "He gonna be okay?"


Hizashi threw a wad of yen at the taxi driver and hopped out of the car, sprinting into the hospital. He stopped with a small 'squeak' at the receptionist's desk.

  "Who are you visiting?" The receptionist, a short haired brunette with brown eyes ask, a small smile adorning her freckled face ((lmao this inspired by me))

  "H-Hizashi [name]." The blonde replied with a small huff as he was almost out of breath.

  The receptionist's smile fell a bit but she kept it up.

  "She isn't taking visitors at the moment-"

  "I'm her husband, Hizashi Yama." He quickly interrupted, pulling off the glove that covered his left hand. He quickly put his left hand up to the desk, showing the ring.

  "Room 420." The receptionist said with a small hint of sadness in her eyes.

  "[name]!" Your husband screamed, bursting into your hospital room. His eyes darted over to you. Your messy [h/c] hair. Panic stricken [e/c] eyes. Your face scrunched up in pain.

  "E-Everything hurts, Y-Yama." You cried, clutching the hospital bed like there was no tomorrow. Your husband quickly rushed over to your side, the doctors standing at the edge of your room.

  "I-It's okay. Ev-everything's gonna be f-fine, [nickname]." His mouth felt bitter and dry when the lie left his mouth.

  "I-I'm hurting so m-much, Yama." You sobbed into his shirt as he pulled you closer to him. You took in the scent of him: cinnamon.

  "E-everything's gonna be f-fine, [name]." There it was: that lie again. With each time he said it, his mouth got dryer and more bitter.

  "Y-Yama?" [name] weakly asked, coughing a bit. "C-Can you sing me that s-song?" You asked as a nurse came by a propped a pillow up then guided you to lean against it.

  "O-Of course, [nickname]." He said, tears swelling up in his green eyes swelling with salty tears.

'Sunshine. You are my sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey.'

His usually loud voice took a soft turn as he sang the song to you, his voice quivering with each word.

'You'll never know, dear, how much I love you.'

He could see you relax as you grabbed his hand and placed it on your chest. Your breathing got more ragged as the pain grew more intense. You were dying.

"I-I love.. you. Tell.. S-Shouta I l-love him... as... well." You muttered out, giving a raspy cough every few words.

'So please don't take my sunshine away.'

"I... love... you..."

You flat-lined.


you guys have no hard how much i cried writing this

i had this idea for a while

and yeah. a lot of people in my family get cancer.

i did do research and when a person is dying from cancer, they go through immense pain.


comment if you want

im really depressed rn

i want to die.


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