Part 13 I&T Dilemma

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Tick Tock...
Tick.. Tock..
Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock.

Sasuje sat in a room surrounded by four walls and silence. Blindfolded and bound, behind the mirror he could tell he was being watched. 'It must be a one way window. They can see in but I can't see out... In this body I can't use rinnegan.' Sasuke thinks.

In the room beside him same layout, laid a blond haired boy with a blindfold over his eyes and restraints to hold him at bay.

"Is it really safe to go in?" Hiruzen asks his Torcher Squad Leader Ibiki.

Ibiki nods, "Neither could really harm anyone with those seals on them." Ibiki announces expression neutral.

Minato sighs, "The blond..."

"He looks a lot like you, doesn't he? But don't be fooled, he's got control over bijuu. They wouldn't even let me under the surface, so I'm not sure on what he appeared for." Ibiki says all three now looking in at the Jinchuriki.

"How dare you, how daee you allow them to hold Izuna! ... Naruto! Like an animal!" Kushina shouts stomping up to the three men with Jiraiya and Tsunade in tow. Jiraiya was nervous and Tsunade seemded none too concerned at all.

Minato closed his eyes and put on a smile, "Now calm down honey, Izuna... Isn't himself right now." He says sweat beading up on hus forehead.

Kushina growls, "Stupid Mina-kun! He's not dangeroud! Why would you assume he's dangerous? Is it because of the tailed beasts! You think he's a monster becausw of what he has inside of him?" She shouts hands on her hips and eyes like saucers, her hair flailing about like the nine tails.


"Now you listen here Minato Namikaze! You unseal that child this instant!" She screams stomping and cracking the floor.

"Even if he wanted too he's not allowed too and you know that as well as anyone else Lady Kushina." Tsunade says arms crosses over her larve bust and eyes closed.

"...and why not!" Kushina shouts acting childish.

"Because who knows what his mental state is, we ourselves can't check it... So why trust he's stable? What if the tailed beasts rampage over Konoha? Are you going to be able to stop that large of a mess? The population would be damned if that happened. All nine beasts in one location? It's unheard of." Tsunade says voice up a couple octaves.

Kushina lowers her eyes, "But... Naruto..." She whispers, tears esxaping her eyes. "My baby..." She sobs quietly going to her knees. Minato wraps his arms around her shoulders and goes to one knee beside her, pushing her bangs from her face. Kushina looks up, he's smiling sadly at her.

"He'll be okay, I won't let any harm come to him. I'm his father after all." Minato tells her then kisses her hand gently.

Itachi enters along with Fugaku, the older clan head seems irate. "Where is Sasuke?" He booms.

Itachi stays silent, Minato points ti the glass and Fugaku glares before slamming open the door to the room. "Sasuke Uchiha, you best wake up and give me some answers boy." Fugaku says getting close and ripping off the blindfold.

Sasuke doesn't even blink,"You're annoying." He retorts and looks away only to get backhanded and sent flying across the room and into a wall.

Fugaku steps over Sasuke arm held high but suddenly Itachi is in the way and without looking at his father he is holding his hand as it flashed towards Sasuke but doesn't meet its target as the young anbu intercepted the blow. "Itachi, what is the meaning of this?" Fugaku asks.

Itachi sighs, "Father please, leave him... It's not worth it to hit him while he cannot defend himself." He says looking at Sasuke who now had eyesught back thanks to the sealed blindfold coming off upon impact. Itachi gives Sasuke an eye smile, "Isn't that right little brother?"

Sasuke looms at Itachi, "Hai." He says looking away quickly with a snobbish air.

Minato enters the room with Hiruzen and Jiraiya, "Sasuke, we have many questions for you young one." Hiruzen says chewing at his pipe that was unlit. Sasuke looks away defiantly.

"It'll go much quicker if you obey little brother." Itachi says pulling Sasuke up into a standing position.

"I've nothing to tell." He says still looking away.

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