Chapter 5

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Annoying. The worst word you could be called by your crush. Annoying.
"I grew up. And you should too, you're annoying." Those words repeated in Sasuke's head as he walked around town.
"Annoying? Me?" He mumbled as he stared as his feet. He walked everywhere until he bumped into someone.
"Hey Sasuke!" Sasuke looked up and saw a Kiba.
"Oh hey." He said meekly. Kiba gave him a confused look.
"Is something wrong?" Kiba asked.
"Sakura called me annoying!" He bellowed Kiba stared at him wide eyed for a minute. There was complete silence till Kiba bursted out laughing.
"Stop laughing!" Sasuke said in a serious voice and activated his sharingan.
"Okay, sorry. Its just funny." Kiba said after letting all his laughter out.
"Why is that?" He asked.
"Well, because this is the place where you first called Sakura annoying." Kiba said and pointed at a spot.
"Hey Sasuke, you're back!" Sakura said and stood up from the bench.
"Have you see Naruto?" Sasuke asked.
"There you go changing the subject again. You dont need to be shy." She said. "Anyway, like I was saying. Naruto's annoying he just thinks he's funny but he's really not. He acts like that because he has no parents, no one to take care of him. He's just alone." She spat rudely.
"You dont know anything about being alone. You're just annoying." Sasuke said coldly and left her.
Sasuke thought back to that day. He noticed this was the spot where he called Sakura annoying.
"Sorry Sasuke." Kiba looked at his face and saw the hurt in his eyes. And left him.

"Shikamaru! We've got a mission!" Sakura yelled from her apartment.
"Meet you at Tsunade's!" He yelled back. Sakura got dressed in her Anbu clothes and left to the Hokage tower.
"Tsunade." She said as she jumped in from the window.
"Sakura. There's an emergency, rouge ninjas are attacking a village nearby. They have asked for you and Shadow." Taunade said hurry. She handed her a piece of paper.
"Baa-chan!" A voice yelled and barged in the door. Then came Naruto with Sasuke and Kakashi. Sakura stood aside.
"What Naruto. Blood Blossom and I are discussing something important.
"Hello Tsunade." Shikamaru greeted and jumped in from the window. He went next to Sakura took the paper from her.
"We can handle this mission." Shikamaru said. Tsunade nodded her head and looked to Naruto.
"We can help with that mission!" Naruto yelled making Sakura scoff under her mask.
"This mission is Anbu high ranked." Sakura said.
"Okay, then I'll come." Kakashi spoke up.
"I apologize Team 7 but this mission was specifically asked for Blood Blossom and Shadow." Tsunade said softly.
"How long is their mission?" Sasuke asked. Tsunade looked at a scroll.
"It is suppose to take 4 months." She answered causing Kakashi, Sasuke, and Naruto to stare at her opened jaw.
"What? 4 months! That means that this is a difficult mission." Kakashi said suprisingly.
"Thats the reason they need us there." Shikamaru answered.
"We'll be back tonight." Sakura said and headed for the window.
"Wait!" Naruto yelled after her. Sakura turned around and faced him.
"Its suppose to last 4 months. How can you come back tonight?" Naruto asked looking confused.
"Because we do our job." She answered and dissapeared with Shikamaru.
"Will they be okay?" Kakashi asked Tsunade.
"Of course. They are the best of the best!" Tsunade exclaimed.

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