Elliot Meets Friendship

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Riley's Election Campaign

"The following is a campaign commercial brought to you by the Riley for Princess Committee, " said Maya.

Riley rode the halls on a horse with a unicorn horn.

"Imagine your education in a magical kingdom and unicorns roam the halls. Say goodbye to too much studying." Riley waved a wand and Darby's books turned into ballons.

"Riley-" Cory came in the hallway.

"Say goodbye to meddling teachers." Riley began waving her wand.

"But, Riley, I'm your fa-" Cory began but Riley made him vanish.

"A vote for me is a vote to live happily ever after. I am Princess Riley Matthews and I approveth this messageth."  Riley smiled.

Maya came and stood next to the horse.

"The campaign of Riley Matthews is not responsible for anyone who thinks a horse is a unicorn,"  Maya said with a straight face.

"No, we're not." Maya cooed to the horse.

4 days before the election.
History Class

History Class

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"Democracy. Our form of government where the power lies with the people. So who here can tell me another form of government where the power doesn't lie with the people?" Cory asked the class.

"Farkle! Thank you, sir. Dictators. Love 'em. They get to do whatever they want. I wanna be one someday." Farkle smirked.

Lucas came in.

"Mr. Friar!" Cory called.

"Sorry for being late, sir. My flight was delayed." Lucas gave him a note.

"You went back to Texas again this weekend?" Riley asked.

"Visited my friends," Lucas told her.

"He misses his old friends." Riley cooed.

"Please Riley. I bet they're all cows." Elliot smirked.

"Aww. Cowboy's got the blues." Maya mockingly cooed.

Maya:  Campfire for one my friends are all cows

Lucas started to play the harmonica.

Maya: Ha hur ha hur ha hur

Maya sang but then noticed Lucas was playing the harmonica and glared at him.

"I will never get to you, will I?" Maya asked.

"No, but I sure do appreciate the effort." Lucas smiled.

"Ooooooo!" Maya shuddered annoyed.

"Okay, guys, Seventh Grade Student Council Elections are coming up," Cory told the class.

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