minute six.

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mike took a step closer to max, and she backed up so that she was against the wall. mike smirked.

"what's so funny, wheeler?" max said. it came out shaky.

"how nervous you are," he said, and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "and how badly you want me." he traced her jawline with his finger. max shuddered.

"you keep telling yourself that." she rolled her eyes, faking calm. she was 99% sure mike could see through it.

he took her face in his hands. "am i wrong?"

she tried to make an answer, but couldn't. her heart was in her throat.

mike smirked. "it seems i'm not. and i'm not wrong about the slut part either." he winked. max's legs turned to jelly.

"and you don't fit the 'soft' stereotype at all." max said, but it came out less harsh than she wanted it to 

"and you like it that way."

"how do you know what i like?"

"simple. you kissed back."

"shut up."

"make me, mayfield."

max rolled her eyes. mike took a step closer, and max had nowhere to go. she connected their lips, and she could feel him smile.

seven minutes- madwheelerWhere stories live. Discover now