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after the party, el and max had decided to crash at max's house. billy was asleep on the couch, so they snuck up to her room.

"wait, so tell me the whole thing again." max said.

"he told me he liked me. i said i did too. we kinda sat for a bit and then he kissed me."

"like, made out?"

"just kissed."

max smirked. "you two would be so cute together."

el sighed happily. "i know."

max laughed. "you want ice cream?"

"of course!" el scoffed. "when have i turned down ice cream?"

max snorted. "you never know. i'll be right back," she said, and left the room.

when she got back, el was smiling mischievously with max's phone in her hand.

"guess who got a text from mike wheeler?" she asked.

max snatched the phone out of el's hand.

"hey." the text read.

el eyed max suspiciously.

"hey" she typed back.

"and why would mr. wheeler be texting miss mayfield at two in the morning?" she asked, mouth full of ice cream.

max shrugged. "that is an excellent question."

"he's typing!" she shrieked. max rolled her eyes.

"i miss you" read the text.

el squealed. max sighed.

"it's been like two hours" she sent.

"i know, right?" he sent back. max laughed. el sighed dreamily. "you two are amazing."

"go to sleep, mike" she sent.

"i'd rather talk to you" he replied. el squealed even louder. "shut the fuck up, max!" billy yelled.

"night, mike" she typed.

"love you, max" he sent. el looked like she was about to faint.

"love you too, wheeler" she typed, and tossed her phone on her bed.

"best couple in the grade. in the school. in the state!" el cried. max laughed.

"let's watch a movie," max suggested.

"yay!" el said.

el picked out something, but max's thoughts never left mike.

and he likes her. he kissed her. he loves her.

they love each other.

seven minutes- madwheelerWhere stories live. Discover now