night in.

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"sleepover!" will said happily. he had just gotten off the phone with his mom. her and jonathan wouldn't be home until tomorrow night.

el glanced at max across the room. max shrugged with a half smile. el smirked.

"and where will we be sleeping?"

"doesn't matter," will shrugged. mike glanced over at max. she didn't see it.

"so, now what?" dustin asked.

el pulled out her phone. "we could go viral."

will giggled quietly.

"and how would we do that?" max asked suspiciously.

"guys, forget whatever stupid idea el had!" lucas called from the kitchen. he ran in excitedly. "guess who found the beer?"

in a half hour, most of the group was drunk. el and max stayed sober, but the boys were acting crazier than normal and el was laughing to the point of tears.

"so i said," dustin slurred. he didn't even finish his sentence, just shoved more chips in his mouth. lucas giggled.

"you boys really can't handle your alcohol," max muttered. mike snorted.

"something funny, wheeler?" she asked. mike shook his head. "nope."

she turned to el. el rolled her eyes, and max snickered.

"something funny, mayfield?"

"oh, shut up."

an hour later, the group was done. they hung in will's room, almost ready for bed. el and will laid on his bed, max and mike sat against the wall next to each other, and lucas and dustin were in sleeping bags on the other side of the room.

"almost eighteen years old and still using sleeping bags. pathetic." max murmured. dustin scoffed.

"since when were you one to care?" lucas spat jokingly. he rolled over, his back facing everyone.

"well, i guess this is goodnight." will said.

"it's only 2am!" max and mike said at the same time. max went red.

will laughed. "'night." with that, he turned off the light, and max could barely make out mike's face in front of her.

"so." she whispered.

"so." he responded, sliding an arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him, almost in his lap.

"how come you're always drunk when you do this?" she said, careful to keep quiet.

"who said i was drunk?" he replied, lightly kissing the side of her neck. she turned to him and kissed him slowly, mindlessly adjusting herself so he sat in front of her, one leg on either side of him. she was in his lap at this point.

"didn't think you were the one to go for this, mayfield." he said, his hands at her waist.

"there's a lot of things you don't know about me, wheeler." she murmured.

"can you stop fucking arguing for one second?" lucas asked, annoyed. clearly he hadn't heard all the details of the conversation. max slowly got off of mike, aware that she hadn't changed position. his fingers gently trailed down the side of her leg as she pulled away.

max could still taste his kiss on her lips. he started tracing light circles on her hip, and she fell asleep to that movement.

seven minutes- madwheelerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें