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It's time to 'Spring' forward and never 'Fall' back....

For Spring break, Ty and I were going to Myrtle Beach in South Carolina, but before we were supposed to head out, Ty wanted me to meet his older brother, Tyshawn. I was nervous to meet his brother because you know, men like to talk and I didn't want Ty to go discussing what we were doing behind closed doors. Yes, of course, he could brag about my looks because it's obvious that I'm very attractive, but it's not okay to brag about how many orgasms I could have in one session.

"Baby, go get the door for me." Ty called from the bathroom.

"Alright." I responded.

I walked out of our bedroom and opened the door.

"Hello." I greeted him.

He smiled. "Hello. I'm Tyshawn."

"It's so nice to meet you. I'm Ja'Nesha, but please do call me 'Nesha."

"I'll do as you please. You can call me Shawn."

Just as he said that, Ty strolled out of the bedroom.

"Wassup, Shawn." Ty pulled him into a brotherly hug.

With the two beside each other, you could barely tell them apart. They had many of the same facial features except Shawn was a little darker and slightly taller than Ty.

"Where's Mel?" Ty asked Shawn.

"She's over at the new house decorating." he responded.

We moved into the living room.

"When are y'all moving into a house?" Shawn asked us.

"When I get out of college." I responded.

Ty and I had discussed moving previously and he thought it would be best if we waited until I got out of college and got a job.

"That's good." Shawn agreed. "So this is your last year."

"This is my last year for college online, but as far as NYU, no." I explained.

"Oh, so you started taking college classes while still in high school?"


"You're very smart."

He smirked the same way Ty did.

"Do you think you can handle my brother?" he asked.

I smiled. "Most definetly. He's as soft as a teddy bear."

Shawn laughed. "Ty, I think she's firing shots."

Ty sucked his teeth. "She just showing off. Ja, think she tougher than me, but she not."

We laughed.

"Says the guy who almost cried watching The Color Purple." I jokingly retorted.

Shawn almost died of laughter. "Ty, she got you on that one, man."

We sat there for about twenty more minutes until Shawn's wife called saying that she needed help hanging up some stuff.

"It was nice meeting you, 'Nesha." Shawn says.

"It was nice meeting you, too."

He pulled me in for a hug.

Ty walked Shawn down to his car.

While he was downstairs, I decided to pack my stuff. We were leaving tomorrow and I hadn't even started packing. I packed a bunch of outfits because I new that, once I got there, I was going to be indecisive about what I would be wearing.

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