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Now back at school, I've been cooped up in my dorm studying for my online exams. Eversince that situation with Nonzo happened, I've been excluding myself from a lot of things. I just hadn't been myself lately and I knew Ty noticed when I was pushing him away. It was just that he was a male and that was his cousin and those things were making me uncomfortable.

"Hey, 'Nesha," Shana said snapping me out of my thoughts. "You want to go chill at the lounge?"

"Sure." I hopped off of my bed and grabbed my phone, wallet and keys then we left.

We walked into the lounge and seen that Darian and Jason were there so we sat with them. Up under the table, I felt Darian's leg touch mine and I stiffened and shifted in my seat. Not because I was uncomfortable, but because I didn't want any affection from anyone but Ty.

"You want to take a walk?" Darian asked me.

"Sure." I responded.

We walked out of the lounge and he grabbed my arm. I grapsed and quickly jerked my arm away from him.

"Sorry, don't attack me." He smirked. "You've been acting wierd since we've been back. Did I do something?"

"No. Sorry. It's not you, it's me." I assured him.

"Oh, okay." He looked around as if he was trying to avoid eye contact with me.

"No, seriously. Something happened over break and I'm just trying to cope with it."

"Do you want to talk about it?" His eyes filled with concern.

"I'd rather not."

"Alright. Just know that you can tell me anything."

"I know I can." I hugged him an we continued to stroll through the campus.


The next day, I woke up early so I could start packing my things. Since I didn't have to take any exams, I was going to leave early so I could get back to work. Plus, I wanted to get back home so I could spend more time with Ty. I was starting to get homesick again and I needed someone to cure it.

When I got to my car, I popped the trunk and pulled out two big suitcases and took them upstairs to my room. I then began to fold my jeans and put then in the suitcase as well as my shirts. I left out a few jeans and shirts because I wasn't leaving school right away. Next, I took my suitcases downstairs and put them in the trunk of my car. I grabbed my two smaller suitcases so I could pack my shoes. I made sure that I left out the shoes to match my outfits that I left out. Finally, after I packed my shoes, I put them in the trunk of my car.

Back in my room, I noticed that Ty facetimed me so I facetimed him back.

"Hey, baby. Wassup?" I greeted him.

"Hey. Nothing much. What'chu doing?" he asked.

"I just finished packing my clothes and shoes. I'm just chillin' now." I say.

I seen Ty moving around the apartment.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"I'm at the crib."

"Oh. I need you to book me a flight to Phoenix because I have to take my final exams before I graduate."

"Okay. When do I need to come there and move the rest of your stuff out?"


"Alright." He paused. "How have you been?"

"Pretty good. Distant from a few people, but as far as self-esteem goes, I'm pretty good."

He coughed. "That's good."

"Are you sick?"


I smirked. "I don't need to come up there and take care of you, do I?"

"Yes." he joked.

"I'll be there in five."

We laughed.

"What time on Saturday do I need to come and get your stuff?" Ty asked.

"Probably twelve because that's when parents will be on their way to get students."

"Alright." He coughed.

My eyes filled with concern. "Baby, you need to go to the doctor's office so they can prescribe you some allergy medicine."

"I don't like the doctor's, Ja," he complained. "White rooms give me the creeps."

"Okay, and? That's not a good excuse." I say. "I'm calling to schedule you an appointment."

"Please don't, Ja." he whined.

"It's either you do it, or I do it."

He sucked his teeth. "Go ahead."

"Look, Ty. I'mma call you later. I need to get something to eat."

"Okay. I love you, Ja."

"I love you more, baby." I hung up.

After I got off the phone with Ty, I slipped on my black joggers, my white crop top, my black and white Huaraches, and my black and white polo hat. I grabbed my phone, keys, and wallet and headed to get something to eat.

While walking, I thought to myself about random things. This was my first time in a long time that I was walking on campus by myself. I was usually walking with Shana or with Darian. I approached the on campus Chick-fil-a and a group of guys were just standing around. I got in the line behind three other people and they got in line behind me. The guys then began to make comments that I kind of figured were about me. One guy said, "Dang, she got a ass on her." Another guy said, "I wonder what it feel like." I could tell that I made the wrong decision by coming to Chick-fil-a.

When I approached the cashier, I ordered a chicken sandwich, fries, and lemonade. The same group of perverts that were behind me didn't even order anything. They just stood there and talked about me. I knew I was a bad girl and I tended to be people's topic of discussion, but I didn't need to hear anyone talk about my body.

When they called my number, I grabbed my food and walked out of the door. Just before I walked out of the door, one of the guys said, "Ma, you gon' let me hit?"

I turned towards the guy and said, "Yeah, I'll let you hit when you grow some balls."

With that, I walked out of the door. I knew that what I had did was very childish, but you get tired of perverted cowards saying something every time you walk by. It was degrading and it was very petty. Sometimes you just have to say what's on your mind. 

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