Talk With Me: Kryoz

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***the idea for this story came from a discord! it's for artists, editors, viewers, and writers! the people in it are very sweet and i've gotten to meet a lot of the people i love! this is the discord link:***

He sat, by himself, in the lonely apartment. His roommate was out studying for his test tomorrow, and John had just finished his last big test. He was online, scrolling through Discord, refreshing and clicking on various chats to see if anyone was online.

No one. Not a single person, and it was three in the afternoon. He stood up, pushing his chair back and sighing. John ran his hands through his hair, stretching out and then bending down to touch his toes.

He picked up his water and took a swig of the lukewarm water, and then set it back down on his desk, before walking towards the kitchenette.

As soon as he stepped out of his bedroom, his computer pinged, and he ran back towards it. It was a Tweet from a fan, he found, when he clicked it. It was fanart, and he smiled. He tapped the like and retweet buttons, and looked back at Discord.

Someone's icon was green! There was a green dot next to (name)'s icon! His face lit up, and he pushed his hair out of his face. She had messaged him right away, and his smile spread even faster.

(handle): hi john!!

me: Hey!

(handle): what's up?

me: Not much, no one's online :(

(handle): ah no, i'm sorry

(handle): i just woke up, i would've been on sooner

me: Don't worry, it's okay now

me: How long did you stay up until last night?

(handle): uhhh

(handle): four am

He laughed, and grabbed his water again, forgetting it was warm. He almost spat it back out, and got up to put cold water in it, leaving his computer.

He loved talking to (name). She listened to him, and understood that it was really hard for him to be alone. His separation anxiety was worse nowadays, since he was so far from home. Talking to (name) made it all a lot better.

He wanted to get back to her as quick as possible, so he fast-walked to the kitchenette, and ran the water for a second, so he could unscrew the water bottle's cap and dump the older water.

With his newly-filled water, he walked back to his computer. Their chat was sitting front and center on his main monitor, and he smiled again, thinking about the event they were going to together in a few months.

(handle): lol oops

me: You have to sleep more normally!

me: You have tests next week

(handle): i know

(handle): have you been drinking water?

He smiled and took a sip of his water, relishing in how cool it was, and it helped with his dry throat.

me: Yes mother

(handle): okay good

(handle): you can't keep getting sick like this !!

He sighed, cupping the bottom of the plastic water bottle with one hand, his other hand on his mouse, thinking about how to answer. He didn't want to tell her that he had been getting sick more and more because of his homesickness, but she was his best friend, and... He genuinely liked being around her.

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