Chapter 1 - Speak of the Devil

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"I know you want me, Mia..."

My eyes flutter open and gasp for air like I have been stuck in the Mediterranean sea for a while. Those stupid words. Not this again. My gaze turns to see the sun radiating through my window.

I grab my blanket and toss it to the other side, making way for me to get out of my bed and check my phone. I press the button to see the time. Seven in the morning. Time for school

My feet have enough energy to make me move my butt to the bathroom. After doing my cleaning routine, I head downstairs to do some cooking for my parents and I. Bacon and eggs for breakfast and spinach and chicken for lunch. Like usual.

"Morning Mia", my father walks down with a suitcase in hand and a laptop in another.

I turn behind to give him a smile then turn back to flip the slices of bacon and say "Morning dad! Ready for another monday morning?!"

"How are you so cheery in the morning?", He chuckles then lets out a big yawn. "You don't even drink coffee. What's your technique?"

"There's no secret, papa", I giggle while carrying three plates of bacon and eggs and place a plate in front of him.

"Thank you, darling", he grins small as the skin on his temple and forehead slowly crinkles. I take a seat across him and start to quickly eat. "So any boyfriend?"

My bacon gone down the wrong pipe and I start coughing. "Why the sudden question?"

"Oh come on, darling. What about that nice boy in your class? Justin was his name right?"

"Dad.", I set down my fork. "I don't plan on getting one."

"Mia, I just...", he pauses and frowns, setting down his knife. "I just worry about you."

"Dad. I'll think about it alright?", I give him a reassuring smile. He nods in response and we continue to eat.

My mother cautiously walks down the birch wood stairs in her long silky pale gown while wearing her thick dark green glasses. She sits down onto one of the chairs and smiles at the breakfast in front of her then her gaze shifts to me. "Thank you, dear"

"Now you don't want to be late to school. Best get going. It is the last week!", Her father stuffs the last bits of his egg in his mouth.

"On it! Bye mom! Bye dad!", I grab my bag and pop my last strip of bacon into my mouth.

"Do you want me to send you?", he offers me. Through my food stuffed in my mouth, I muffle "No, thanks! I'll take the train!" With my shoes arranged on the floor, I quickly slip it on and burst out of the house.

As soon as I got to the train station, I hop onto the train and plop down on the nearest seat. My phone suddenly starts beeping. I switch it on to see a message from my favourite person, Matt.

Hey sis!

Bro! How's it going in America?

In Subway. Rick's hungry.

I have to get going. Talk to you soon alright?

Yeah! Ttyl!

Honestly, I don't want to remember Rick. Everytime he mentions his roommate, I would cut the conversation short. But it saddens me when I go distant on my own dear brother. I switch off my phone and shove it in my bag.

My eyes start getting heavier and heavier. Enough to get a few yawns out of me. I get comfortable in my seat and close my eyes.

"Do you have the key?", my father asked.

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