Chapter 4 - This stays between us

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My eyes widen to hearing those words again. "No! I don't! Because in the end, I get heart broken! Just like the rest of those girls!", I snap as I pull my hand away from him and face him with fury in my eyes.

"Mia. Are you talking about that kiss?". I furrow my eyebrows when he asked that. My past is the only thing keeping me from kicking Rick in the balls.

"It doesn't matter anymore!", I yell. "Because now I know that you're a heartless man! I will not be like your side chicks!"

I run downstairs and Rick tries to catch up to me while calling my name. A car drives in the house and I quickly run outside to see Matt. "Matt!", I run into his arms.

"Woah! Hey sis! I was only out to get pizza!", he laughs. "Oh hey Rick! Came to greet me too?"

In the corner of my eye, I see Rick staring at me. He then looks straight at Matt with a smile on his face and says "You wish"

We three walk back into the house together. "I'm going to go take the pizza out in the kitchen", Matt walks straight into the kitchen.

As soon as he's gone, Rick pulls me into my storage room and locks the door. "Rick! What are you-?!"

He suddenly pins me against the wall and kisses my neck. I let out a soft groan then quickly shut up. "Hey, guys?! How many slices do y'all want?!", Matt calls from the kitchen.

Rick's lips move down and starts tracing my collar bone with his kisses. I swallow hard and try to speak "Err- umm-! Two is fine!"

"Alright. What about you, Rick?!", my brother calls again.

He takes his lips off of my skin and says "Four!" Then quickly continues to nibble my skin.

"Rick! Stop...!", I whisper.

He leans into my ear and says "You're mine...not even your brother can stop me"

It takes me a lot of strength to resist him and try to wiggle free. Until Matt says "The pizza's ready!"

Rick quickly lets go and guides me outside before Matt comes out of the kitchen carrying plates with pizzas on them with a smile on his face. I sit down on my favourite spot quietly. Rick suddenly sits right next to me, looking like he's not bothered again. Matt plops down on another chair next to me.

Matt observes me then gasps. "Mia! What is that?!"

"What? What are you talking about?", I ask.

Matt a lock of my hair to the side and touches my collarbone. "You have a hickey on your collarbone!", he furrows his eyebrows. "Who did this?!"

In the corner of my eye, I watch Rick as he's just casually eating his pizza and minding his own business. I wanna kick his ass. "Oh! This!", I laugh a little. "It's just a bruise, Matt! I forgot that Lee accidentally hit me there while we were playing tennis!"

"Oh, that must be painful!", he winces. Rick's lucky he didn't get his ass kicked by the both of us.

A large hand suddenly lands on my thigh. I look over at Rick who's still casually minding his own business while eating his pizza. His hand suddenly slides up. I smack his hand and he quickly moves it away. Matt looks over at me, curiously. "Mosquito", I smile.

"Yeah, they're a pain!", he laughs.

"And sometimes I wish they keep their hands to themselves", I glare at Rick while Matt's not looking then rip of a piece of one of my pizza slices with my teeth and chew it.

Rick suddenly slides his hand onto my other hand which is on my thigh. He slowly intertwines his fingers with mine. My gaze shifts to see him still looking at his plate while eating. I swat his hand away and put my free hand on the table so he wouldn't dare touch it when Matt has a high chance of spotting it. I can't do this. Not just to Matt but to me too.

Tuesday morning comes. I can't believe I'm saying this but thank the lord there's school!

I rush downstairs after getting ready and find my brother drinking a cup of hot chocolate. "Hey bro! Going to school soon!"

I grab a slice of bread and slap a slice of cheese on it from the fridge then slip on my balck leather shoes.

"You're going to school?", he yawns. "Then let Rick take you since he's-"

"No thanks! I'm meeting up with Lee! Got to go! See ya bro! Love ya!", I grab my bag and run out the door with the food in my mouth.

I met up with Lee outside his house and we walked to school together. He starts asking me questions about Rick and I told him everything. Good thing History's my first and favourite lesson to start a Tuesday morning! This is going to be great!

A few students came in along with me to find the whole class present. "This must be a miracle!" I think to myself. I find an empty seat and place my books on the table.

Suddenly, a guy comes up to me wearing a plain dark green shirt with black trousers and says "Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

I can hear some girls growling at me like vicious hyenas. I ignore them and say with a smile "No, please!"

"My name's Ethan"

"Mia", I grin.

He sits down next to me and gives me a warm smile in return. "Thanks, sweet. There were no more seats"

"I see a few seats available around us though...", I tilt my head in confusion, trying to avoid him calling me sweet.

"Maybe I just wanted to sit next to you", he smirks and leans in closer.

"Hi everyone!", a staff from the administration comes inside my class. "Unfortunately, Miss Kayla's sick for the next few weeks so you're going to have a replacement teacher"

Girls start whispering to each around us. They said something like: Have you seen the new teacher? I heard he's hot!

Well they just mainly talk about teachers and their looks. I roll my eyes and get comfortable in my seat. "The teacher must be boring huh?", Ethan chuckles.

I grab my water bottle and unscrew the lid. "Probably", I widen my eyes and down the bottle of water.

"Good morning class", I hear a familiar voice speak which makes my water go down the wrong pipe and I start coughing. I quickly turn my head to see...RICK?!

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