Chapter 11 - A little jealous

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I approach the door. The door that has been in this same place for many years. With a few carvings here and there. His name was carved at the very top corner since we were kids. Ever since he left for college, this room has never been used. Barely touched. We only go in to do cleaning or to find something but that was only it.

I take a deep breath and knock three times against the door that I have been familiar with since I existed.

"Matt?" I call out. "Can we talk please?"

The door creaks open and my big brother is standing right in front of me. His eyebrows keep furrowing as he doesn't lift the corner of his lips. Instead, he keeps them down, forming a frown.

"Come in..." he says. Then holds the door open for me as I slowly make my way in.

It looks exactly like it was before. Except for the new posters of his favourite bands or animes. There were actual picture frames up on the walls that each hold him in it. Either with his friends, family or school. Surprising for me to say. He'd never usually bother to hang up anything back then, knowing how lazy he was.

"I'm sorry..." I hear him say. The hurt in his voice makes it sound sincere.

I turn around to see him standing in front of the door, with guilt in his eyes. My gaze turns to his ears. They aren't moving. Nor are they turning red. He really is sorry.

I focus back on him, wondering why he wouldn't tell me. Matt was good at telling lies. But was never good at making me the fool. He would lie. But only to protect me or keep me safe. I know him better than any of his friends or family. Even though I was a few years younger than him. I know him like the back of my hand. And so does he.

"Matt, I can understand why you would've wanted to keep it a secret" I sigh, thrusting my hands into my pockets of my high waisted juniper shorts.

"I can get why you're upset with me" he lowers his gaze to his feet.

"Yeah. I am, Matt. I'm really hurt that my own brother would hide something like this." I narrow my eyes. "Sure- I can tell if you're telling me lies," I cross my arms. "But I can't tell what you're hiding from me"

"I never wanted to hide it from you baby sis" he looks back up at me with sorrow in his chestnut eyes that are the same as mine. It reflects me. It reminds me of how I felt when I needed to tell Matt about Rick and I. When I needed to tell him that something's going on between his roommate and I.

"I can't stay mad at you, big bro" I frown. Sure- Matt has messed up maybe once. Or twice. Or maybe a hundred times. But who hasn't? We all have our reasons. And it's not like I haven't lied to him either. Pretty messed up. I know.

"Come on now, just hug and make up." I turn to see Rick at the doorway, grinning away.

"It's not that simple!" I scold. But turns out, Matt had also said it the same time as me. Rick's eyes widen in surprise. My brother and I end up laughing together at how alike we are.

"Was this rehearsed or what?" Rick chuckles, still confused.

But Matt and I still continue to laugh away. "I'm sorry, little sis" he frowns and hugs me tightly. I reach out and hug him back.

We slowly let go of each other. "I'm sorry too, Matt. I shouldn't have also kept secrets from you. Especially about having chemistry with your roommate" I explain.

"Chemistry huh?" Rick wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him. I find him wiggling his eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes and playfully push him away. "Whatever" I mumble, crossing my arms.

"I feel like going to the movies today," Matt says. "Y'all up for it?"

My eyes automatically focus on Rick. He smiles at me then looks back up and says "Yeah sure!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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