I : Y/n Origins

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It's painful. My body telling me it needs nourishment. It has become a dull pain throughout my being. As if my body has begun to eat itself.

For as long as I can remember I have had this ache. This sense of emptiness that has driven my body to this state. Emaciated. Ill. Weak. Nearly another corpse among many in this godforsaken place.

My parents have long since died. They had done everything they could. They were good people who refused to steal or rob merchants. Both my mother and father worked themselves to death and fed me until I was old enough to take care of myself only living on scraps.

Yet here I am... Withering away in this abysmal hell hole. How long have I been laying in this ditch... Hoping for death to ease me into an eternal slumber? I could hear a soft murmur as I lay there with my eyes staring into the dirt.

"Oi... Brat... Are you dead or deaf?"

A deep voice called to me. The aroma of fresh baked bread enciting my tastebuds causing me to nearly salivate but I attempt to hold it in due to his stirn appearance. His hair pitch black and sleek like the feathers of a gorgeous raven, and his eyes a deep onyx with flecks of blue. My breath hitched at his overwhelmingly domineering presence.

"Levi, be nicer to the poor girl."

A tall, friendly-looking young man with light grey eyes and silver-blonde hair walks up beside the man known as Levi and then kneels before me.

"Don't mind him... He is like that with everyone haha I'm Farlan..."

All I could think of was food, but I managed to nod and softly utter a response, "I'm... Y/n... L/n..."

Levi scowled harder before pulling out a bag full of food. His hand grabbed a piece of bread from the bag and squated down in front of me before shoving the bread into my mouth.

 His hand grabbed a piece of bread from the bag and squated down in front of me before shoving the bread into my mouth

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He plopped the bag of food into my lap as he watched me eat. He seemed ready to scold me when he noticed Farlan had smiled at him and began chuckling softly.

"The fuck is so funny, shithead?" His scowl deepened at his comrade's teasing.

"Nothinggg~" he pat my head gently as I munched away on the bread barely hearing the two bicker.

To me these two were angels. No matter what their demeanors were. They couldn't be too much older than me, but they were living life and helping others. I stared up at them awestruck as I finished the bread I had been handed and held onto the bag of food for dear life.

"Brat... Listen..."

I immediately turned my full attention on Levi. My eyes filling with hope.

"Live... Get up and live... Don't die in this filthy place in defeat."

My eyes filled with tears, but not because I was sad. A sudden rush had overwhelmed me with those simple words. The will to live had suddenly returned to me and I shook my head nodding as I sobbed and rubbed my eyes, "Y-yes! I-I-I'll live! I promise!"

Férocité : Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now