XI : Complete Exposure

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°°°Sorry for the wait!°°°
Been a while since I updated, but I'm not giving up on my fics! ❤ Hope you enjoy!

°°°Sorry for the wait!°°°Been a while since I updated, but I'm not giving up on my fics! ❤ Hope you enjoy!

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Silence. As we neared the walls no one spoke or even so much as coughed. The expedition had been an utter failure. Not many expeditions had ever been truly successful for the loss was always great, but this expedition meant so much more. This expedition HAD to be a success.

Yet, now, as we approach the gate we all know that Eren will be taken by the council. The Military Police will show no mercy once he is apprehended, and they will most certainly kill him. With my regained memories I could very well be facing the same fate. If I were to hide it from my commanding officers I could be looked at like an enemy. A traitor to the human race and an ally of the female titan. I have to tell Erwin and Levi as soon as possible. I just hope that the others will accept me as well as they did Eren.

We pass through the gate finally. Once we were safe behind the wall I slowly feel my muscles relax. The soft breeze and warm sunlight giving little comfort as my eyes drift to the crowd ahead. Their eyes full of doubt. Some faces contorted in resentment as they watched our few soldiers enter town. Hushed whispers resounded in our ears.

"There's a lot less than this morning.."

"Tch, another failure it seems. Should just stay behind these walls and do away with the scout regiment."

"Yeah it's ridiculous... As if humans could beat titans.."

My eyes cast downward. This wasn't what I was expecting when I joined. I never thought people had THIS negative of an outlook on the scouts. We just got back from risking our lives to save the future of these people. And yet all they can see us as is a waste of time and energy. I grit my teeth looking up before hearing a soft sniffling to my left. Eren had one arm over his face sniffling into the crook of his elbow. Mikasa shushing him the best she can. What am I supposed to say? "It'll be okay" ? Bullshit. Even I'm not sure how things could turn out for us.

Just as my mind was taking a dark turn I hear giggling. My eyes slightly teary as my head whips to my right. My eyes locking on two children. The ones from before. Their eyes lit up with admiration and wonder, "Sis look! They're all beat up but they still keep fighting! I wanna be just like them! They're so strong and brave! Fighting for everyone even when all seems lost, ya know?!?"

The little girl nods her head shaking her locks around her shoulders and cute round face. I smiled with fondness at them as we passed and I waved. If only their elders could have as much faith in us.

"Captain Levi!"

I redirect my attention forward hearing a man's voice as he ran from the crowd towards Levi. At first glance, the man appeared to be excited. His hair a sort of dusty-brown or maybe dirty blonde. It was short amd messy much like the rest of his appearance, but as he continued to speak my heart sank.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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