IX : The Value of a Life (2/3)

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"Hey pretty girl.... You don't wanna live here anymore do ya? Come with us... And no one gets hurt."

My blood ran cold as his hand reached out and held my chin. His eyes a golden brown almost yellow and his dark brown, wavy hair slicked back. Average features but his presence felt dangerous nonetheless. He was wearing a white shirt that was tucked in and dark jeans with knee high boots. His boots dirty from the walk here. Him and his buddies wearing similar getup appearing to be street thugs.

As I began to squirm becoming uncomfortable under his gaze Daddy jumps forward, "Leave her alone! We were living out of sight peacefully so why now are you here for her!"

The man lets go and stands tall once again as he turns to my father, "You see... The King doesn't care that she hasn't been discovered... He cares that she has not been useful. Her time was up ages ago and you simply prolonged it." He sneers as his comrades snicker with wide grins on their faces. One with teeth that were poorly maintained making him look more deranged than the other.

After I looked between the men I looked to my father. Daddy's eyes were wide and afraid then suddenly he looked to me. As our eyes met they had a determination in them. His lips mouthed to me "run". I look to him fearful now as I realize that I'm truly in danger. My feet move on their own taking me to the back window of the house. I hear grunting and fighting as I struggle to open the window. Daddy screams one last time, "RUN!! DON'T LOOK BA--" one gunshot goes off. Then another followed by a thud.

"Gowser, Sho... You two take care of the mother. King said no survivors. I'll get the girl... Hehehe"

They nod and salute sloppily chuckling as they stepped over Daddy's corpse, "No problem, Captain Licht... Heard she can't even walk so it will be easy." My eyelids began to burn with hot tears as my vision became blurry.

As the man known as Licht came closer I trembled and hesitated. Should I save her or run? Save mom or run!? Could I... Even save Mommy? Suddenly, there was screaming and thrashing. Gowser and Sho were dragging her out of the room and across the floor to where Daddy's lifeless body laid. As Licht tried to coax me away from the window Mommy yelled, "Leave my babygirl alone! Y/n just go! Please run!"

The tears flowed free from my eyes and I slammed the window open and hopped out sprinting off just as I heard... Two more gunshots.

As I landed I lost one of my socks in the thick mud outside the window. Without missing a beat I got up and ran. The men cursed the darkness as I disappeared. My body surged with adrenaline as I went as fast as my little feet would take me.

I was out of breath as I reached a cave. I walked inside and wandered around until I felt I would faint. After stumbling through small pathways the cave opened up into a big area with green things on the ground I had never seen before. Grass? Flowers? There were so few yet they looked just like the pictures Daddy showed me. I walk to the center and look up seeing sunlight pour through. It was beautiful. My eyes shimmered with wonder until suddenly I felt a prick in my shoulder. It hurt and made me wince as I pulled the strange flower from my shoulder. The needle coming out of my shoulder with it. My world went hazy then faded to black.

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