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"I've got a text!" Josh shouted.

"Can all Islanders gather at the firepit immediately."

"Fuck." I said walking down with Megan.

"It's fine, no need to worry babes."

Us girls sat down whilst the boys stood up around the fire pit.

Kaz went first saying her speech.

"I want to couple up with this boy because, I honestly believe he is the boy version of me. Ever since I came into this villa, all I've done is laugh non-stop and I feel like it's all down to him. Apart from being beautiful and sexy, he is also kind and thoughtful. I want him to know I'm appreciative of everything he does for me. So the boy I want to couple up with is... Josh." We all clapped for them.

Next up was Megan and she chose Kieran, then Ellie picking Charlie. Laura choosing new Jack, Dani coupling up with Jack, Georgia picking Sam. Then me...

"I want to couple up with this boy because, ever since coming into the villa he's always made me feel comfortable. I feel like I never stop laughing and smiling when I'm around you, I feel a strong connection between us two... we vibe off each other very well. So the boy I want to couple up with is... Wes." I smiled and he ran up to me and kissed my cheek as we sat down.

"That was a very cute speech." He whispered in my ear making me blush.

The last girl was Alexandra and I was shit nervous. I didn't want to have Idris leaving, or Alex but more Idris.

"... so the boy I want to couple up with is... Alex." We clapped for them and I could see that everyone was happy for Alex.

I was the first to stand up and went to hug Idris.

"I'm so sorry."

"No need to be sorry, it wasn't your fault. You make the most of your time in here."

"C'mon I'll help you pack."

It is sad because he's one of the guys that I'm close to. At least I still have Kieran here with me.

"Bye Idris!" Cheering Idris off.


"How do you feel now we are coupled up?" Wes asked me as we were sat on the swing.

"I'm really happy like- what? Stop looking at me like that." I laughing covering my face.

"You're just really gorgeous." He smiled and started leaning in before our lips touched.

As our first kiss together, I must admit it was bloody amazing.

"Stop making me blush so much!"

"No it's cute." He laughed.


Wes' POV

Charlie had called up Jack, Alex and I to the terrace.

"Guys, I've gathered you here tonight because I want to make Ellie my girlfriend." Charlie said,

"Get it done!"

"This is what I want to do. I need the boys here to help me out, cos I have an idea."

"Have we been hand-picked?" I asked him.

"You have been hand-picked. You should feel very privileged. I want to write on my chest 'Ellie will you be my girlfriend?' Ok?"

I was told that I had to and distract Ellie which I'm already really good at.

Charlie's plan to ask Ellie to he his girlfriend is detailed, intricate, and does it need some serious skilled operatives to carry it out? Absolutely.

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