Master Bakers

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The next morning I woke up to Jack sleep talking.

"Did you hear him? That guy cracks me up." I said to Laura as we both walked to the dressing room.

"Are you going to try and get to know Josh in that way Steph?" I asked.

"I'll definitely try, like I have to. It's only fair to see how things will go if I'm coupled up with him." She responded.

" She responded

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"Yeah. I can tell he's not your usual type but there ain't no harm in giving it a go."

I made my way out to the kitchen and I saw Wes cooking alone. I went behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Alright little one?"

"Yeah. What you making?"

"I've honestly go no idea." He laughed.

I really like that creative side of Wes. He'll be on his own, in the kitchen adding random spices together and it will turn out to taste amazing.

"Look how quite it is without G" I laughed.

"It's really weird. Do you think anyone else will be coming in?"

"I'm not sure, I have a feeling that more people will be leaving than coming in."

"How are you too doing? You're one of the quieter couples in here." Josh said walking up to us and sitting on the counter.

"We're good. No problem yet, touch wood."

"You're so good together, I was talking with the others before and they agreed."

What Josh said really made me smile because it give me a lot of confirmation on if I've picked the right guy in here. We're not on the outside so I can't get everyone's opinions but I know the people in here are genuine so what they think means loads.

" I got a text!" I said as my phone pinged.

It's time to grab a slice of the action as you take on the next couples' challenge Master Bakers.
#makeorbake #pieceofcake"

"Sick! I love a bit of baking"

We had to make a cake with the boys blindfolded and attached to us girls. We had to instruct them on what to do.

"Stop shaking your arse Wes." I laughed as he was whisking.

Ella: You had some good action there.
Now I know what you do in your spare time.
Wes: *laughs*

"Keep it going, it's looking good."

"Ok now let's go to the other side."

I dragged Wes along with me to the other side where our cake was. Surprisingly Wes creamed the cake very well.

"Now add on the icing... no not like that. Slowly, yeah that's it."

We got told to stop and Kaz was our judge.

"And the winner of Master Baker is, Laura and Jack."

"I thought we did good on that." Wes said.

Wes: I was very disappointed that we lost because I was very proud of my work.
Ella: It was... okay.

"I got a text!" New Jack yelled.

"Jack & Laura,
As a reward for winning today's challenge you're going on a date. Please get ready to leave the Villa. #beachbums #getwavy"

"Awh that's lovely"

"Jack are you watching the birds again?" I giggled.

"Yeah look, it was chasing a moth." I left him with Dani and Alex when I went to help Laura get ready.

"You look amazing, he's gonna be loving this."

"Thank you, I'm really nervous though."

"Babe dont be, you both really like each other so I don't see anything going wrong."

"You're right, anyways gotta dash. Thanks girls"


"What you wearing tonight El?" Kaz said.

"Not sure, something red maybe to go with my white top." I said

"You can have my red skirt. It will look amazing." She said.


I walked to the bedroom where the boys where getting ready

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I walked to the bedroom where the boys where getting ready.

"Wes you coming?" I asked.

"Damn my girl looks gorgeous!" He said making me blush.

"I might have to steal your girl Wesley." New Josh said.

"Not a chance." Wes said dragging me outside.

When Jack and Laura came back we immediately asked them how it was.

"We had a nice little picnic, watching the sunset."

"That's nice."

"Hop into bed bebehhh!" Wes whispered.

I got in the covers and snuggled up next to him.

"Night Islanders!"


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