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Zion: why Nikola?
Austin: bro didn't deserve to be hurt this way
Edwin: she's not going to answer us
Nick: then why add her to another group chat. She's with that kid and B is over here with his chest hurting
Brandon: I don't even want to talk about her. I feel like I'm going to be sick it hurts that bad
Me: why am I in this group chat
Nick: cause Zion added you.
I left the chat
Nick has added Nik back to the chat
Me: what more do you want
Nick: just stay in the fucking group chat
Brandon: tf Nick
Austin: B no one said you had to talk to her
Brandon: and her being in here is just going to keep hurting me. I don't deserve that.
Edwin: then leave B.
Me: just let me leave. I didn't ask to be put in a fucking group chat.
Zion: if you weren't happy with B you could of spoke up Nikola. You didn't need to go cheat on him.
Me: I'm out.
Brandon: did you even love me the entire time we were together Nik?
Me: you know I did
Austin: yet you cheated on him for the last two months.
Edwin: stop already. B you can hardly fucking breathe right now. All you're doing is hurting yourself more over this. Austin stay out of it.
Nick: alright no more attacking my sister. B you got hurt, grow up and get over it.
B: fuck you Nick.
Brandon has left the chat
Brandon has blocked Nikola
Me: clearly hates me now
Edwin: he's throwing up. I'm out.
Zion: he's the only one who upset himself enough to that point
Austin: and Nick's on his way down there

I muted the chat and looked over at Jonah. He wrapped his arms around me. I bit my lip and we heard knocking a few minutes later. Corbyn came down and answered the door to my brother standing there.

"What do you want Nick?"I asked making eye contact.
"For you to honestly make up your mind."he muttered.
"You see where she is don't you?"Daniel asked.
"She came back to Brandon twice after being with you guys. Nikola Mara you weren't raised to be a player."he said.
"Charlotte can finally have B now. She's been chasing after him for a year now."I spoke up.
"You're so fucking difficult Nik. That bitch wouldn't be there for B. We both know that."he growled.
"Bye Nicholas."I groaned.

I saw tears in his eyes and knew my choice was hurting all of them down the street.

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